Chapter 46

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Vanechka P.O.V.
We stayed up all night working, and the more I thought about it, the more I realised I'm basically done.....or at least I think. You never know until you try, but I can't just do that so my judgement Is the best I have.

I was alone for most of the night, as Yoonseok went out looking for ingredients. He asked me to list the stuff that's in the pills, and then he left to find an antidote....but I doubt that he'll find anything.

I'm not sure how I feel about that. After what I've done these past days, I proved myself that It's true, I only mess up my loved ones lives and it would be better without me. But the feeling of being with them again, like everything's normal sounds way too wonderful. I don't know what I want anymore...

The only thing I know is that I want whatever's best for them. That's all that matters to me.

Yoonseok P.O.V.
I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't know this stuff, this is Jeon's thing. How am I supposed to figure out an antidote or something? This is crazy...

I'm looking around the internet, see if I can find anything, but it's basically a dead end, since most of this stuff is probably illegal. How did she even get these? I need to look into her stuff more, this is not okay.

It's been hours but I've got nothing. At this rate she might have to stay in 2013. But I just can't let that happen. She's so wrong about everything. She doesn't ruin lives, if anything she makes them better. I'll have to talk to Jungkook hyung about this for sure.

But back to business. I might just have an idea....but it's risky, especially since I don't know the rules of time travel, but it's still better than nothing. Which is all I have besides this plan.

Vanechka's P.O.V.
After waiting for forever, he finally comes back with a bunch of donuts for breakfast.

"Okay so, you're done with the machine?"

"Yeah" I answer before stuffing done another chocolate donut with whipped cream on top.

"Then what's next?" he asks.

"We find them, obviously. Now that you can go back I'll send you all back, then go into my new time, and everything will be perfect."

"Really? Is that what you think?" he looks at me angrily."That not seeing you ever again will be perfect?"

"You won't remember me-"

"AND YOU THINK THAT MAKES IT BETTER?! IT MAKES IT WORSE JEON, WAY FUCKING WORSE!" he screams at me. I can't believe he's actually fighting with me like this. It never happened before.

"Because you're wrong, and I'll prove it to you. I will get you back with us, and your father will come hugging you crying, and Hwan will smile showing his cute little gums, and WE'RE ALL GONNA BE HAPPY! WITH YOU! And that's that." he sits back down and we continue to eat our breakfast in silence.

Once we're done we decide it's time to leave. We made a list of the people who could possibly be here, than we dressed up to hide our identity, grabbed everything we needed, and sneaked out into garage and away to our dad's house.

Luck was on our side, as we managed to get there without causing any commotion at all. Getting in tho, was a task.

It was broad day light, but we had to break in. Not exactly that casual is it? We decided to climb up the fence and jump off of it, into the garden.

It should've been a red flag, that we got in without any problem. The door was, obviously, locked so we had to pick it. Again, nobody noticed anything.

And when we opened the door we realised why. They weren't home. Or at least, that's what we first thought.

When we got into the kitchen, a message was spray painted on the walls for us. 'You want your family? Come to the corn farm, and get them. Of course, we need something in exchange. -K.T.'

"Great news."

"What do we do now?" he asks."We can't just walk in,  they'll capture us and we will be stuck here."

"So we make a plan. They won't get us that easy."

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