Chapter 8

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Just as dramatic as my dad

Jungkook's P.O.V.
  Hoseok hyung took Ae-ri to his room, after all he's her father, he has to take care of her.
  We are all quiet, still shocked about what's happening. We're all thinking about this thing, trying to process it, but It's just too much, honestly. We all slowly get up, to go to our rooms and try to understand everything alone. Namjoon looks really frustrated, Jimin is just too quiet, Yoongi's kind of emotionless, and Jin hyung looks like he's trying to figure out a really hard math problem.In other words, we all feel crazy. Although, Taehyung looks oddly excited.

  I go into my room and sit on my bed. "I have daughter.Not only do I have a daughter, but a daughter, who's a genius. Not only do I have a daughter who's a genius, but who invented time travel. Not only do I have a daughter who's a genius and invented time travel, she's also here. I am Jungshook." I thought to myself.

What am I going to do? What's going to happen when I meet her? How's she like? Maybe I should talk with Hobi later, he knows the answers to these questions after all.
   But most importantly, how am I going to get her back to the future?

Hoseoks P.O.V.
  I close the door and let out a deep sigh. Then I turn to Ae-ri, who's sitting on my bed, 100 percent calm, looking at me.

"'Sup dad" she says"You don't look so good."

"Oh I don't know, my future daughter is sitting in front of me, you know it kind of shocks me, but just a bit."she smiles at that.

"I know, but it's all Jeons work, I'm not the crazy inventor here, I'm a victim." she dramatically says. "So stop looking at me like I'm insane, I'm completely normal"

I sigh."Okay sorry, this is just really hard-"

"Believe me I know, my dad is in front of me, but in a younger form. I'm in a different time. Everything is strange to me, I feel the same way."

"I'm be honest I....I didn't even think about that..."

"It's okay. I'm hungry tho. I haven't eaten all day. I'm going to die!" she dramatically falls off the bed to the floor.

"Wow! You're dramatic." I chuckle.

"Just as dramatic as my dad."she winks at me, and I laugh.

"Let's go and eat."

We go to the kitchen and I quickly make a small meal for her.She has a weird expression on her face.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing, you just never cook." she shrugs.

*time skip*

"Okay, you can take a shower here, and you can where these." I hand her the smallest sized things we found in our closets. Suprisingly, the smallest pants didn't belong to Jimin, but to Yoongi. Jimin was so happy about it, he did a little dance, but quickly stopped when he saw Yoongi glaring at him.

"Alright thanks" she goes into the bathroom and we head to the living room to talk.

Jungkooks P.O.V.
  "What are we going to do?" Jimin asks.

"We'll have to find our kids. There's no debate about that." I sternly say.
Which catches the others by surprise, I can see it on their faces.

Namjoon clears his throat" Right. After that, Jungkooks daughter should be able to fix everything. I don't think we should worry, Ae-ri might be right. If they time travelled here, they'll be able to go back. We should go to sleep and start searching for the others in the morning."

We all nod and get up, but before anyone could leave Jin speaks up.

"Here" he says"Everyone take a pill. You won't be able to sleep without it."

We all start to take a pill, when Ae-ri comes in. She looks adorable, with the clothes falling off of her slightly. She's pretty tall, so It's not too bad.

"Where should I sleep?" she asks.

"You'll sleep in my bed." Hoseok says and takes her away.

I also leave, and take the pill Jin hyung gave me.But before I fall asleep, I can't help but smile at the thought.

"I have a daughter who invented time travel"

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