18 ┃ 𝐛𝐢𝐠 𝐟𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐲

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You sat at your desk, enjoying a rare moment of calm during your lunch break, scrolling absentmindedly through Facebook when your phone buzzed.

please where are you??
im scared

You sat up at the text, brow furrowing in confusion; quickly you send a reply.


Instead of getting an explanation, she just sends a quick 'no time to respond' before plugging in her location.

You don't waste a second, springing up to your feet, urgency propelling you forward, your meal long forgotten, your only focus on reaching Seora as quickly as possible.

A thousand scenarios raced through your mind. What could possibly have gone wrong? Was she in some sort of trouble?

As you darted through the building, your heart pounded not just from the physical exertion but also from concern for your friend.

Gasping for air after your sprint across the building, you finally regained your composure and tapped on the door to the press conference room.

A woman with a headset cracked the door open, peering out at you.

"I'm... I'm here... for Seora," you managed to say between breaths.

With a nod, she ushered you inside, revealing a set meticulously designed to mimic Yoongi's dorm room, complete with a bed and walls adorned with posters. A wave of familiarity washed over you as your eyes landed on a Kumamon poster, reminiscent of images you'd seen online from fan-pages.

As you absorbed the uncanny resemblance, Seora's voice pierced through your nostalgia. "Y/N! Over here!" she called, her hands waving frantically from across the room.

You couldn't help but notice her transformation, now clad in high-waisted shorts and a large black hoodie, her hair styled in a playful ponytail, allowing her curls to fall behind her head like a waterfall with tendrils framing her face, a stark contrast to her usual attire.

Approaching her, you couldn't contain a "Wow," impressed by the makeover.

"I get to keep these!" Seora beamed, spinning to show off her new look.

Your attention was diverted as a familiar, gruff voice chimed in from behind. "How long is this gonna take? I'm ready to get this shit over with," Yoongi grumbled.

You watched as the two of them get shuffled onto the set. As the make-up artists fixed up any last minute things, a countdown is being shouted out.

You quickly took out your phone, and opened up VLive. Deciding to watch them there to see the comments.

"Be sure to read what you rehearsed because once we go live, we can't stop," Someone tells Yoongi and Seora before exiting off the set.

"In 5...4...3...2...Go!"

Immediately, Yoongi's demeanor shifted seamlessly into his public persona, greeting the audience with his signature gummy smile. "Hello ARMYs! I decided to make this VLive to deliver you all an important announcement as well as clear up some misconceptions."

You stared at the scene in front of you, if you didn't know this was a set up, you would have thought this was real.

"So, recently, there was a meet-up here at HYBE headquarters to deliver lost items to previous volunteers we've had at our most recent fan-meeting a couple of weeks ago. It's here that a peculiar incident occurred," Yoongi began, maintaining a calm demeanor. "Some of you might have heard rumors—and even seen the video—about this, so I'm here to clarify what actually happened."

𝐍𝐎 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐒 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃 ᵏᵗʰWhere stories live. Discover now