02 ┃ 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐜𝐤-𝐢𝐧

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You hummed a slow tune under your breath as you stuffed extra streamers into a trash bag.

After lunch, you and Seora were once again separated as you both had to head back to your respective groups to finish setting up.

Everyone then spent the next four hours rushing around, fixing up the room that the fan-meeting would be held in.

"Great job, you guys! The room looks amazing!" Sang-hun smiled, his voice echoing in the large room. "Since the time is nearing nine o'clock, that means that the concert is close to ending."

You halted in your steps, mind short-circuiting at the preppy, grey-haired male's words; you completely forgot that a concert was currently going on as you all were preparing the room for the fan-meeting.

"I now ask everyone to exit and make their way down the hall, where we will have group photos taken before being dismissed."

Setting the box down by the other boxes, you followed after the other volunteers.

"I'm sorry, but you're going to have to take off your jacket. Its red color clashes against the purple of the volunteer shirts and would stand out." A random woman, who had 'Section Leader' on her shirt, told you with an apologetic look on her face before moving on to another volunteer with a similar wardrobe error as yourself.

You frowned as you pulled the hoodie off of your body, internally screaming about how much you didn't want to do so; it was sort of like a shield between you and the world, and now without it, you felt kind of naked.

With your hoodie draped over the side of your arm, you began following the crowd of volunteers out of the room once more. Before you completely left the room, you decided to sit the jacket down on a long, metal table, opting to come back for it after the pics were taken.

"I would like to once again thank everyone for volunteering and helping out." Mrs. Lee smiled as she stood in front of the room filled with volunteers. "Now that the concert has ended, this is the end of your volunteer work and the beginning of the fan-meeting.

Please grab a gift bag on your way out as we prepare to transition BTS from the concert hall to here. Once again, thank you all for your service, and have a wonderful night."

Soft conversations flowed as everyone began to break away.

"Come on, let's head out." Seora found her way next to you, nodding towards the exit.

As you both followed behind a group exiting the room, you rubbed your face, cheeks a bit sore from all of the big smiles you had to conjure up for the photos.

"Hey, you good?" Seora stared over at you in a bit of concern.

"Yeah, I just never had to smile so much."

A snort left your best friend's body, "Wow, way to sound so asocial."

About halfway out the door, you remembered something. "Shit. I almost forgot my hoodie."

"Where is it?"

"I think I left it back in the room where the fan-meeting is being held."

Seora allowed a low whistle to exit her mouth. "Ooh. That's kinda fucked up."

You rubbed your arms in worry. "Do you think they'll let me get it before it starts?"

"Probably not. Remember, they're moving BTS to the room as we speak, so they'll most likely have guards posted around the area."

𝐍𝐎 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐒 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃 ᵏᵗʰWhere stories live. Discover now