C39 | Ending

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In order to release your hand right now
I gotta let you know that I need to let you go
Hard to say goodbye
But I can’t run
I’m ready to let go
I’m ready to let go
I’m ready to let go


"You need to help me fix their problems. I don't want her to make a wrong decision. It's for Jungkook's sake as well. We need to save them. Help me. "

"Sure. I will. Don't worry. "


I ran into the tall building and rushed towards his office. Panting heavily, I looked at Eunna who was currently working as Jungkook's assistant. Without thinking any further, I walked towards her desk and asked, "Where's Jungkook? Is he in his office now? " I tried to peek into his room.

The girl who was giving all her focus on the laptop turned her head up to face me, then give a confused look. "Jimin? " She titled her head to the right a bit. She looked down at her watch then asked, "You want to meet him? "

"Yeah. Is he free now? " I asked.

"He has a meeting now but the meeting is about to end. Can you wait for around— 10 minutes? " She asked after looking down at the tablet.

I breathed heavily, "Okay. Can I seat on the couch? " I asked.

"Sure, why not? " She smiled.


I just finished my meeting with my clients and after looking at the time, I was thinking to ask Eunna out for lunch. She said she'd try to accept me in her life so it's my chance to get closer to her.

As I stepped out from the meeting room, my eyes met her gaze. A happy smile crept on my face and all the tiredness go away once I saw her face. Maybe that's what we'd feel when we're in love. Beautiful.

But little did we know, things won't always go as we want. I was expecting to go out for lunch with her but once I saw Jimin who was waiting for me on the couch, my smile faded right away.

Everything would go away if he knows about me and Eunna. He will absolutely ruin everything as he always does.

Feeling nervous and afraid, I tried to look at Eunna as she already had her eyes landed on me. Making some signals with my mouth, I tried to tell her to inform Jimin that I wasn't available. But unfortunately, it didn't go as I wished because Jimin ended up catching me.

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