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2 months later

"I can't believe that nigga out of all bitches he do that shot to me?"

"People do dumb shit sometimes even to the people they love but it be mistakes"

"Fuck a mistake his ass shouldn't have done it Period , fuck outta here"  Ari said rolling her eyes "we got a whole child together and he choose to fuck with a dumb bum ass bitch" she said scrolling down her phone

"I'm not finna run no tears for his hoe ass either fuck that nigga" she continued rattling on talking shit about herb

"Maybe y'all just need to talk things out and find out what really happened it probably ain't what is seem like" Camille said trying to calm her down

"Ima fuck him up if I see him, that's on sight to"

"Girl bye you ain't gonna do nothing" herb said walking into Cassidy apartment with Dasani infront of him

Pursing her lips together Cassidy sat at the kitchen table ready to watch this all unfold

"Shut the fuck up bitch" Ari spat looking him in the eyes

"Man can we talk?" He said smacking his lips picking yosohn up off the couch

"Yeah nigga talk" she said watching his every move

"I didn't even cheat on you man stop believing shit you see on the internet" he said as ari looked at him like he was a bum

"Night what the fuck" she scrunched her face up looking at him like he was dumb

"Lying ass boy" she shook her head grabbing her keys

"Watch yo son I'm out , I'm going to find me a new man" she said walking out of Cassidy apartment leaving herb and yosohn

"Wow" Camille said sipping her tea looking around the room at every one facial expressions

"I bet a hundred she done with yo ass" Dasani shook his head going over to Cassidy placing a kiss on her lips

"Wassup" he said tilting his head looking at her while getting apollo

"My father wants to come over and he wants to bring my mom" Cassidy said lowly so only he could hear her

Dasani knee the whole situation with her folks and if he was being real about it he had no respect for neither one of them and didn't want them around his kids grandparents or not, they had a negative vibe and he didn't want that around the twins , they turned on they own daughter over money that she didn't take

That was some fake ass shit and he didn't like that one bit but as for Izzy he was cool with him because he knew his parents had got into his head and made him turn his back on his sister plus it was more disrespectful from her parents

And from what he heard from Izzy they momma was crazy as hell and couldn't be trusted for shit

"Mhm we'll talk about it later" he said placing a kiss on her forehead going to pickup cashmere who was on the floor playing with yosohn

"Da-da" he smiled grabbing dasani's nose

"Ah fuck" Dasani said trying to pull his head away as Apollo dig his nails deeper into his skin laughing

"Damn man we needa cut his sharp ass nails" he said putting him down going to the bathroom to look at it

"Apollo you hurt daddy now he sad" Cassidy said as Apollo looked around clueless making her laugh

"That nigga really just tried to fight me" Dasani said walking back into the room holding his nose

"Boy bye stop being a pussy" Cassidy said getting up going to get her drink out the fridge

Dasani eyes immediately went to her ass , she had on some gray biker shorts and a white T-shirt,

Walking over to her he smacked her ass as hard as he could making her jump

"Stop!" She squealed pinching him in the chest

"No offense but you hit like a bitch" he joked watching as her face expression changed

"Alright y'all ima head out" herb said dapping Dasani up and saying his goodbyes

"Yeah ima leave to I got a man at home waiting for me" Camille smiled leaving out of their apartment

"Alone at last" Cassidy smiled as Dasani trapped her into a corner wrapping both arms around her placing his hands on her ass

"You fine as hell" he said placing a kiss on her neck making her smile

"Thank you sir" she smiled poking her lips out indicating she wanted a kiss

Placing one on her lips he grabbed some fruit snacks out of the pantry

"You so damn fine I just wanna bend you over and eat that ass"

"You could never" she said looking at him "but you can eat something else" she smirked picking both babies up taking them into their room so that they could get ready for their nap

"Shit say no more"

After a few minutes both boys were sleep and they could finally have that conversation from earlier

"So like I was saying earlier my father tryna come visit but he wants to bring my mom" she said sitting beside Dasani on the couch throwing her legs over his

"Why you tryna connect with them anyway after how they did you? That shot pisses me off even thinking about it what type of parents do that to their children and if we being completely honest I don't want neither one of their snaking asses around our kids" he shrugged turning the tv on

"But babe I want our kids to have grandparents, that's something I never had growing up , I want them to have a relationship with them" she said looking at him as he shook his head

"For what cas yo momma damn near a crackhead and yo daddy just ain't shit, all they gonna do is fill our kids heads with false shit they to damn negative" he said shaking his head no

"I'm just not feeling them right now"

"Their still my parents at the end of the day Dasani and I have a say so in this to" she said making him look at him

"I said no Cassidy damn stop going back and forth with me" he said

"Wow I can't believe this shit" she shook her head

He was starting to piss her off she knew her parents had did her wrong but that didn't mean they'd do the same thing to their grandchildren and they had a right to see them

She was let so sure about her mom since she was always on some negative shit but her dad was showing progress and actually wanted to be in her kids life

"Didn't go daddy say you was dead to him and yo mama jealous of you so why the fuck you going so hard over this for , they are two negative people and don't deserve to be in two innocent babies lives" he said getting up going to the kitchen

"Listen I'm not even trying to argue with you just think about what I'm saying ight?" He said as Cassidy nodded her head rolling her eyes

At the end of the day she was still gonna do what she wanted

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