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Toot toot twerk girl I wanna see you twerk!!" ari sung throwing her ass in a circle while Cassidy and Camille hyped her up

"Fuckkkk it up sis" Cassidy said smacking her ass while recording her on Snapchat laughing at her

"Y'all crazy" Camille laughed sitting down on the couch watching.

Out of the three Camille was the chillest but she was still fun she was just the quiet one who was never in drama. She was the nice funny one but she had a mouth on her that got out of control

"Camille get yo ass up ain't no sitting" Ari said pulling her up making her dance "all that ass and you sitting there wasting that shit"

Cassidy phone rung interrupting them since the music was playing on her phone and it made it stop

Looking down at it she noticed she had an incoming face time call from Dasani Placing her finger over the camera she answered

"Hello" she said staring down at him as she pushed ari out of the way from trying to look at the phone

Move hoe she mouthed to Ari who was still tryna be nosey

"Uhn uhh where you face at" he said Making her smile because of the way he said it

Due to it being 11:00 at night her hair was all over the place and she looked a hot mess

"I look a hot mess"

"I don't care nigga you be looking a hot mess after I fuck the shit out of yo ass and I still love you" he said

"Oh no you didn't " she said gasped at him leaving out of the room going to hers

"Ight bet" he said putting her on pause going to Instagram which he knew annoyed her

"Okay Damn look" she said showing him her face giving him a small smile

"Ouuu look at you. Wild hair don't care" he joked running his tongue over his lips

"Chill out" she said laughing as he joined

"You needa go get that shit don't now" he laughed "Nah I'm messing with you I like when you wear yo natural hair out"

"Let's not start on you and yo peach fuzz ass beard , but when you coming home?" she asked as Ari and her cousin bailey came in

"I was wondering if y'all wanted to come to the little college party tomorrow it's in the day time tho"

"Hell no she can't go" Dasani yelled through the phone

Groaning Cassidy rolled her eyes dramatically "Ima have to pass" She had to get her priorities straight before partying plus she had not one but two kids to take care of

"Alright y'all don't gotta go home but yall gotta get the hell up outta here" Cassidy said now that she was getting sleepy

"We ain't going nowhere. We staying a night" Camille said flopping on the couch getting comfortable

"Well actually I gotta go I got a man and a child to get home to" Ari said getting her things

Lifting her eyebrow up she sucked her teeth and said goodnight to Ari "y'all get on my last nerve don't wake me up either" she said walking to her room going to sleep

Next morning

The bright sun rays beamed through Cassidy blinds as Camille and Bailey tied her curtains up as music played through bailey phone waking Cassidy up

Cassidy was extremely comfortable and didn't feel like getting up.

"Go home" she mumbled loud enough for the both of them to hear

"We will but you needa get up it's 10:24by the way I hope you don't have to work at 11"

"Thank god i don't" She said getting up checking on cashmere and Apollo

"When did you get in?" She asked Dasani as he stood in the bathroom

"Late around 1:30" he said shrugging like it wasn't nothing

"Well next time please have our son home earlier he's a baby he don't need to be out that late"

"Heard you" he said pulling her in for a hug

"I brought you food I didn't know you had company so they just gonna have to get there own food" he said washing his hands

"Apollo was good as hell yesterday he must like hanging with his pops cause he ain't cry one time" he said chuckling

"Oh wow that's hard to believe" Cassidy said eating the breakfast Dasani brought her

"Cashmere was acting up yesterday I took him shopping and he wanted to pull everything of the rack"

"also while I was shopping these girls approached me trying to confront me" she said making him look at her

"About what"

"You actually, they claimed you been seeing there cousin everyday" she said drinking her apple juice

"Man they lying like fuck I ain't stunting these hoes I got eyes for you and only you, don't believe a word that come out of these bitches mouth

"I don't I just wanted to let you know cause next time somebody come up on me on some dumb shit I definitely won't be holding back , I'm officially tired of these hoes"

Shaking his head he laughed at her "aye I guess that's just how it got to be, they gotta learn one not to fuck with you"

"Damn I'm just now noticing Camille and them left" she laughed

Grabbing her hands Dasani stared at her for a minute before speaking "so I was thinking about going back into music but I don't want to put my family through that famous lifestyle , y'all wouldn't be able to be free so I'm working on getting my own tattoo shop I wanna own a few" he said which made her smile

"Dasani if that makes you happy then I'm happy I believe you'll be able to do it you just have to get the right connects and once you find a building to start at I can help design it for you" she spoke

"That's sound like a plan"

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