They Know

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Beam was in shell shock, standing outside Forth's room with a ruffled shirt, shorts not completely buttoned, shoes missing and a neck ladened with numerous hickeys. You could clearly smell the stench of sex radiating off his body and even see some dried cum down his thigh. To most people it would look like one crazy night gone wild but to Beam it was one living nightmare. He stood outside of Forth's room too scared to go in, not knowing what to say. As far as he knew Forth was still in a coma but he couldn't live with himself knowing that he cheated. True it wasn't consensual but to Beam it still felt wrong. He had never been more disgusted with himself than he did right now. He was so lost in his own little thought bubble that he didn't notice Forth's parents walking towards him. Now to most people they wouldn't think anything to serious of Beam's look, just one man who had a lot of "fun" the night before but Forth's parents were very perceptive. They looked at Beam's posture, his facial expressions and even the tears flowing down his cheeks and knew something was wrong. 

Forth's mother walked up to Beam and gave him a warm hug which startled Beam and he began to freak out. Once he realised who it was he began to calm down. Forth's mother soon noticed the hickeys and immediately pulled away from Beam with a look of confusion on her face. Not wanting to jump to confusion she took a moment to think to herself. She knew Beam wasn't a cheater but the hickeys left her wondering as to how he had gotten them. Something was definitely wrong here.

She took one look at Beam before finally asking the big question "Beam, what's going on? I know you'd never cheat on Forth so how did those hickeys come about?" At the mention of hickeys Beam broken down even more. He had never felt so used and violated in his life up until now and he didn't know how to answer. Forth's father was shocked with his wife's question but looking at Beam he realised there was something off about the boy. He was more miserable than he ever was when the doctors weren't even sure if their son would wake up again. He stood there in silence, wondering what had happened, when he noticed the dried cum on his thigh. It took him a minute but it then dawned upon him. Someone had raped Beam, it had to be the reason Beam was acting this way. He wouldn't willingly cheat on Forth because he loved him more than anything. 

Forth's father then walked up to Beam, lifted his head up and asked "Who did this to you son? What idiot forced themselves onto you?" He wasn't as kind and caring with his questions, just aiming to get to the bottom of this, but he wasn't angry at Beam. He knew it wasn't his fault and right now Beam needed support more than anything. Beam was shocked at the questions, he truly didn't know how to answer so instead he just let out more tears. It was quite sometime before Beam was able to get himself somewhat under control. He contemplated on whether to tell Forth's parents the truth but it was already out there and it would only make it worse to deny it.

Beam took one deep breath, before gaining his composure, then let out a small sigh before speaking. He was quite nervous but his future parents in-laws deserved to know the truth. With a shaky voice he spoke up "You remember the police officer Joss right?" he asked. Both of Forth's parents nodded their head in agreement. "Well we had gotten to become decent friends over the last few months and well." He paused for a few moments before continuing "Last night he wanted to go out for a drink. He promised it would just be one to you know celebrate the news that Forth would be waking up soon. He also said he wanted to celebrate his new promotion. I didn't want to go at first but he kept pleading with me till I gave in."

Forth's parents were all ears, listening to every word Beam said. "Well he took me to a bar about 10 minutes from here and we had 1 drink. Within a few minutes I began to feel funny and next thing you know I woke up in his house." Beam started to cry all over again as he relived the horrible moments over again in his mind. "The next thing I know is we're both naked and he was laying on top of me. I tried pushing him off but it was no use. He must of drugged me because my body was too weak." Forth's mother's mouth hung open as she listened to Beam telling the story of how he was raped last night. She herself was crying at the thought of someone touching Beam against his will, it sent shivers down her spine. Forth's father was holding it together a lot better than his wife but that still didn't stop him from wanting to beat the life out of this Joss fellow. 

Beam continued with his story "I screamed for him to get off. I even pleaded with him but before you know it he was fucking me. He didn't stop till I had passed out and even did it a few times this morning." By now Beam was an emotional wreck. The memories of last night were fresh in his mind and he was losing it big time. Forth's mother wrapped her arms around Beam and gave him a nice, warm hug. "We need to call the police. I know you may not want to but we can't let Joss get away with this" Forth's father said. He then called over a doctor and told him everything that Beam had said. Beam was too lost in his own mind to even notice he was brought into a room where one of the doctors did some test on him.

After a couple of hours the test came back positive. All the signs were there that Beam was in fact raped. He had bruising around his wrists, his hole was fairly torn and was still slightly bleeding and he still had traces of the date rape drug in his system. The dried cum on his thigh was used to get a DNA match and confirmed that Joss was the one who in fact raped Beam. The police were called as soon as the test were done and before you know it Joss was being arrested for rape. 

The one thing Beam didn't count on was Forth. He was still unaware that Forth had woken up and would be even more surprised to know he had heard everything outside his room earlier. Forth was heartbroken knowing some sick idiot forced themselves onto his precious Beam. He had been asleep far too long and wasn't there to protect his baby but one thing was for certain. He did truly love Beam and no sick, twisted psycho would ever come between them. 

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