Break Up's

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Forth was startled when he woke up in a strange place. He didn't know where he was or how he had gotten there. What was more unusual was the heavy weight that was on his chest. He took one look down and saw there was a person laying across him and then everything came flooding back. The cheating, the almost getting hit by a car, the strangers willingness to help. Forth didn't want to wake the sleeping beauty before him, yes he readily admits that Beam had a beauty like no other, but he really needed to pee and if he didn't get up soon he might wet himself. He slowly shook Beam awake "Hey Beam you need to wake up. I need to use the bathroom." Beam slowly came around and was surprised at their positions. He got up a little too quickly causing him to trip over his own feet. He then showed Forth the bathroom before heading to the kitchen to make breakfast, a simple scrambled eggs and bacon with some french toast. 

Forth was drawn to the kitchen from the delicious food that Beam was preparing. His mouth had begun to water as the thought of tasting such amazing food. Beam slowly lifted his head up when he heard Forth enter and gestured him to sit at the counter while he finishes off their meal. Beam's place wasn't very big, he didn't have a dinning table but a little bench with 3 stools for him to eat at, when he wasn't having his meals in the living room. Forth sat down and waited patiently for Beam to finish. It wasn't long before a plate of hot, sweet smelling food was placed in front of him. Not being able to wait any longer he dug in, savouring every bite. 

Beam was just glad that someone enjoyed his food as much as Forth did. Not even his ex boyfriend complimented his cooking, always complaining that it was too dry, too sweet or too something else he didn't like. He was never satisfied no matter what Beam did so to have someone love his food this much warmed his heart. They soon finished their meal and like the night before Forth cleaned up the mess in the kitchen. He felt it was only fair since Beam had cooked suck a lovely meal. 

During their breakfast Forth had gotten to know Beam a lot more. He found out they were studying at the same university but unlike him, who was an engineering student, Beam was a medical student. They were also in the same year, only 2 months separated their ages. There was no rush to head off to campus as today was a public holiday so they spent the morning watching some anime drama on netflix. Forth didn't really understand it but Beam was obsessed. Yo hadn't tried to contact him since last night which Forth was grateful for. He wasn't sure where to go from here. Forth was so heart broken that his lover could go behind his back like that but he still loved him. 

Beam could see the turmoil Forth was facing and tried to offer some advice "I know you still love him Forth but you've got to end this. He clearly doesn't love you anymore and I don't want to see you suffer like this. It will just make it worse." Forth knew Beam was right, he just didn't know how to go about it but the sooner it was done the better. At around 2pm Forth asked Beam if he would drive him back to his house, needing the support of his new friend if he was to do this. He loved Yo and was sure it wasn't going to change any time soon but he couldn't keep up their relationship anymore, especially when Yo didn't care about him anymore. 

They arrived back at the house about 20 minutes later and Forth wasn't surprised in the least that the man from last night was still here. It just goes to show that Yo had completely moved on. What he didn't expect was Beam's reaction. When they entered the house they saw Yo and his lover sitting on the couch watching the tv. The guys were alerted to Forth and Beam's presence when Beam shouted at the man cuddling Yo. "So this is the guy you were cheating on me with?" Beam screamed out. Yo and his man were startled to say the least and broke apart immediately. The man tried to get closer to Beam and calm him down but the look on Beam's face told him it wouldn't be a good idea. 

Forth was shocked to find out that Yo was cheating on him with Beam's ex. It was such a small world. Yo saw Forth, who had fresh tears in his eyes, and came up to him. "I'm sorry you had to find out last night. It wasn't how it was meant to go." He tried to touch Forth, to console him but Forth flinched away. Up until now he had been sad and broken but seeing how comfortable these 2 were moments ago caused him to be filled with so much rage. 

He took one deep breath before letting out his pain and frustration. "How could you Yo? After everything we've been through and this is how you repay me." Yo was shaken by his words and didn't know how to respond "Look I'm sorry" he tried to say but was interrupted by Forth "Don't you fucking dare say you're sorry. We both know you're not sorry at all, you're just sorry you got caught. If I hadn't found out you would of kept stringing me along like a puppet. I can't believe I wasted 5 fucking years on you." His words were venom to Yo's ears. Never in a million years did he think Forth would be this harsh to him. "Forth listen I didn't mean for this to happen I swear." 

Forth was long gone by now "Didn't mean to my ass. You knew exactly what you were doing when you went behind my back. Don't you dare try to play the victim card because it won't work. You're a cheating son of a bitch is what you are. I hope you're happy Yo, because we are done. I don't ever want to see you again." "You can't mean that Forth, I love you" Yo tried to say. "You don't love me. If you did I would of been enough. You wouldn't of cheated on me but you did. You found someone else who can satisfy you so don't go spitting out meaningless words. We are done. You can keep the house. I can't stand to be in a place that is only going to haunt me for the rest of my life." He then headed towards the door "I will be back later for my things. I hope you're happy now Yo." With that he walked out of the house and waited at the car. 

The pent up aggression was slowly fading and he was starting to feel the misery flooding him once again. Beam wasn't far behind him, just as surprised at Forth's reaction as Forth himself. "Can I stay with you?" Forth asked "Just until I find a place of my own?" Beam looked at Forth before speaking "You can stay as long as you like. My home is your home." Forth didn't know why but he smiled at that. Beam's home was now his home too. 

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