Was It Ever Real?

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Forth and Beam had arrived home not too long ago and were sitting on the couch in utter silence. Neither knew what to say to one another. After several minutes Forth spoke up "I'm sorry about this. I can't believe it was my now ex boyfriend who yours was cheating on. I still don't understand how this could of happened. I mean you are one beautiful specimen who's kind, friendly, warm. Who would be stupid enough to let you go?" Beam blushed at Forth's words. No one's said that to him in a long time, not even his ex boyfriend so to hear those words again made his heart flutter. "So how did you two end up together anyway?" Forth questioned.

Beam didn't know if he wanted to tell Forth but felt he did owe him since Forth explained his and Yo's relationship. "Well I meet Pha in year 1. I had just moved to the area and had trouble making friends since I was a little on the chubby side." Forth imagined a chubby Beam and he couldn't help the smile appear on his face. Chubby Beam would be so cute he thought to himself. Beam then continued with his story. 

"I was getting bullied one day when Pha stepped in to save me. We had been best friends ever since. Well we were both freshmen in high school when things started to change. I had lost some weight and apparently it drew others towards me. Pha didn't like that and I couldn't understand why. That is until one day after school he confessed to me that he's been crushing on me since the first day he met me. I was so shocked by that and didn't know how to react. Pha didn't put any pressure on me. He just asked for 1 date and to see where it leads from there. If I wanted to remain friends he would accept that. So it started out slow but I ending up falling hard for him, completely unaware that he was seeing someone behind my back. Turns out in sophomore year he met this guy on a combined school trip and they've been together ever since. It wasn't until this year that things have changed between us and now I understand why."

Forth was shocked at that news and didn't know how to process it all. So Yo had been cheating on him for almost 5 years, their whole relationship was just one big lie he thought to himself. "So how did you find out he was cheating on you?" Beam, who had started to shed some tears, took a moment before speaking "Like you I came home one day and found him in bed with another guy, Yo. I didn't know who he was at the time but it hurt to know I wasn't his only one, that I wasn't important to him anymore. At first I thought it was only a recent thing, since it had only been recent that he was acting strange, but then he let slip that it had been happening for almost 5 years." Beam was hysterical at this point. Pha had been the love of his life for almost 6 years and they had been best friends even longer and now that was all gone. Forth held Beam in his arms as he let him cry his heart out. 

"So I dropped by the next day and started yelling at him, letting out all the feelings of betrayal and heartache. It was in the heat of the argument that he let slip that he had been seeing this guy since high school. I was livid by this point and demanded he tell me everything. So he spent the next half an hour or so explaining how he met Yo at a school trip and they just clicked. I mean they hadn't even known each other a week and already they had slept together. When all was said and done I was empty inside. I had let out all my emotions and was drained. I grabbed a few things and spent the night in a hotel before looking for a new place to stay. I was lucky enough to find this place on such short notice and within 3 days I had moved in." 

Forth was trying to comfort Beam in this mess but he was breaking apart once again. He had given Yo everything. His first kiss, even his first time but to learn that Yo hadn't been as pure as he once thought was tearing him apart. He hugged Beam tight "This is all too much. I mean if what you say is true then Yo and I had only been dating a month when he meet Pha. How could they do such a thing? You know what hurts the most" Forth said, causing Beam to look up at Forth, tears still clinging to his cheeks. "Yo told me I was his first. We waited 6 months into our relationship before going all the way. I was always hesitant about going that far, I wanted to make sure it was the right decision as it would be my first time too. I can't believe he's been lying to me all this time."

Beam parted from Forth but still looked deeply into his eyes, seeing the same pain and sadness he was feeling. "Me and Pha waited over a year before we had sex. He kept telling me that we were too young and that he wanted to make sure our relationship was stable. That only made me love him more but when I found out all those years later that he had given his first to someone else I almost lost it. He knowingly took something from me just because he could, knowing I'd trust him that he was giving it up too. I was so blinded by love that I couldn't see anyone but him and now I'm a broken mess."

Forth slightly laughed in a miserable kind of way "We're pathetic aren't we? Falling for guys who had clearly never loved us. Only using us for their own selfish reasons." Beam nodded his head in agreement. "Well at least we know now before it became any more serious. We can move on with our lives and find someone who will treasure and treat us how we deserve. Not just use us then throw us away when they're done." By the time Forth and Beam were extremely tired and decided to call it a night. They just go up from the couch and went straight to the bedroom. Now Beam's flat only had one bedroom but neither minded sharing a bed. As soon as their heads hit the pillow they were out like a light. 

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