Chapter 10- The Van Hale Mansion

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Nick and I arrive at his place in less than ten minutes- courtesy of his madman driving skills. Even though we spent the whole day together, I haven't gotten used to that. But apart from his driving, I realise that we got here this quickly because he lives close to where I was. If I remember correctly I was somewhere in that area when I had nearly ran him over with my car.

The minute we pull up to his house my mouth drops​ open. Did I say house? I'm sorry, I meant mansion. "You live here?" I ask, still staring at the house in amazement.

"Well when I said you could stay at my place I think I meant my house. So yes. I live here." He replies.

No. He doesn't understand. This place is too huge for someone to live in alone. Wait. Maybe he doesn't live alone. Maybe he lives with his family. I am so not in a state to meet and greet. I'm soaking wet for crying out loud!

Nick must have noticed how quiet I became since he asks, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. It's just that I... Do you live here alone?"

He smirks. "I'm not going to jump you or anything, Evelyn. Relax." I guess that means 'yes'. Although that's not what I meant.

He circles a fountain - which has a statue of a woman with a baby in it- and parks his car. He escorts me inside and I can assure you that the interior is more impressive than the exterior. It's absolutely exquisite. The chandeliers reflect off the white walls and the paintings seem to dance when the light hits them.


There are so many of them. There are paintings of things as simple as flowers to things as complex as what seems​ to be scenes from old romantic movies and scenes from war times. Impressive. But this can't possibly be the work of Nick van Hale. These look like the works of someone who has a serious passion for the Arts and Nick hasn't mentioned that he does.

"Evelyn?" I jump when Nick's hand touches my shoulder and calls my name. I think I might have been staring with my mouth wide open. He smiles when I close my mouth. "Your bags are already upstairs in the guest bedroom. So you can get out of your clothes now. I mean your wet clothes- you know, so you can put on dry ones. I-" He lets out an exasperated breath and buries his face in his hands when he notices he's rambling.

I laugh and remove his hands. "I get it. Show me to my room?" I ask. I hope that doesn't sound too suggestive.

With a nod he leads me upstairs to the second floor. I wasn't aware my mouth dropped open again until I hear Nick chuckle and say something then leave the room.

Well forgive me for being impressed.

This guest bedroom looks like what a master bedroom should look like. Lee has a nice place but it's nothing compared to this.

After drying myself and my hair I rummage through my suitcases for my pyjamas. I find my baby blue silk pants and matching top and slip them on. I am so exhausted I just want to sleep. But that thought is put on hold when I hear a knock on the door.

"Yes?" I call.

"Sorry to bother you, ma'am. Mr. van Hale would like you to join him for dinner," a lady calls back. I open the door.

She seems to be in her mid-forties from the greying of her hair but she has a strong build. From the black and white uniform she's wearing and her polite tone, I could easily tell she was the housekeeper. She makes a face when she takes in my attire - not one of disgust but of surprise.

"Oh. I thought I'd just go straight to bed..."

"I'm afraid he insists. He refuses to let you go to bed hungry," she argues. I hadn't eaten since lunch so I don't protest any further.

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