Chapter 7- I Came To​ Apologize

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I knock on the door of the blue and white two storied house Ariel stays in since she's been in town. The place that I made the biggest mistake of my life.

As soon as she opens the door and I see her I regret coming here. Her long hair is caught up in a messy bun and her face is painted with make up. As usual.

"What do you want?" She asks, interrupting my thoughts.

"I came to apologize."

"For getting me pregnant or for calling me a whore?"

I sigh. "For both. Look, you have to admit it was a lot to take in."

She hesitates then lets​ me inside. Seeing the inside of her house makes​ me want to throw up. Don't get me wrong. It's a nice place-beautiful actually. But it reminds me of the party and the night I knew I would be losing Evelyn.

Not that I could forget.

I draw in a sharp breath. "Look, I don't mean to sound rude or anything but...I need to be sure it's mine."

"Why would I lie about being pregnant with your baby? What kind of person do you think I am?"

I raise an eyebrow. Did she really just ask me that? She knows that she has reasons to want to screw me over. I wasn't really the nicest guy back in high school.

"I....high school I was..I..." She starts laughing. That's​ a totally unexpected reaction.

"You really think that I still hold what happened in high school against you? That would be childish and immature. But fine. If it makes you feel better let's do a test then. I have nothing to hide." I feel awful for doing this but it's something that has to be done.

I let her get dressed while I sit in my car outside. Staying in that house is close to torture. We went to get the DNA test done. The sooner the better. Ariel suggests a doctor out of town. Granville, the town Evelyn's in.

"Hell no."

"What? Why not? She's my personal doctor. I always go to her," She argues. I don't think it's a good idea to tell her that I don't want to go there because my girlfriend- yes I'd like to think she's still my girlfriend- is staying there now. Knowing Ariel, she might find Evelyn and rub the pregnancy in her face or something. Something stupid.

Whatever that something is I'd like to avoid it.

"It just doesn't make any sense we drive for two hours to do one test when we could for fifteen minutes tops." That wasn't exactly a lie.

"Fine. Whatever. But just so you know, all my check ups will be done by my doctor," she says.

There is no avoiding this is there?


"Lee, is that you?" I hear Vanessa's voice call from the living room as I close the door. Lee isn't home yet. This means that I'll be alone with her. Just great.

"No, Nessa it's me," I call back. As I round the hall I see her perched on the couch watching a movie.

"Oh. Hey Marcel." She eyes me with the same pitiful expression she's been wearing just for me for the past two months. Usually I'd run upstairs to my room-yes I have​ a room here- when I came in but Lee isn't here yet and I know he'll want me to keep her company. So I enter the living room and sit next to her on the couch.

"Hey," I reply.

"Have you heard from Lee? I've been calling him all day but it seems his phone is off."

That's the first time she's said so many words to me in a while. I'm​ a little taken aback.

But then that's when I see it.

She isn't wearing that pitiful expression just for me, she feels it for herself too. She knows Lee's history of being unable to have a relationship- that's if you could call it history. She's probably thinking  that he's been playing her all this time.

"No. I haven't. If his phone is off it's most likely for a good reason. No worries."

"How do I know you're not lying for him because he's your friend?"

Now that makes​ sense but it isn't true.

"Despite what you or Lyn might think, Lee has changed. He's not playing around anymore. I don't know, maybe it's you but he looks like he wants to settle down now." I don't tell her that just because I feel bad for her, but because I actually believe it.

She smiles. "Thanks, Marcel."

"Sure." I began to stand from the couch. Not only because I want to get away from Nessa's pitiful smiles but because I mentioned Evelyn and all I want to do now is lie down and imagine Lyn's next to me.

It's pathetic but it makes being away from her less difficult.

"Speaking of Evelyn..." Vanessa begins and I sigh and sit back down.

Rather talkative tonight huh, Nessa.

"I know you probably think I hate you because of what you did to her but I don't."

What I did to her? Why'd she have to put it that way?

"It's just that she's my best friend and you have to understand that what you did was wrong and I absolutely do not support cheating. It's no excuse that you were drunk. You and I have always been cool but avoiding you was my way of punishing you."

"So what changed?" I ask.

"I think you've been punished enough. I see you moping around the place," she says with half a smile.

I nod. "Do you think you could tell her that for me?"

"She does love you, you know? But you hurt her. She's still paying for believing she could trust you so the least you could do is give her some time."

"She can still trust me. I'll never hurt her again." She nods​ and turns her attention back to the movie. "What movie is this?" I inquire. She looks at me in disbelief.

"You're serious?" She asks. I don't know what's so hard to believe. I raise an eyebrow. "You don't know The Fault In Our Stars?"

"The what?"

She shakes her head and is about to tell me when Lee enters the house. She practically jumps from the couch and into his arms.

Evelyn used to do that. I miss it.

"Whoa. Missed you too, babe." He smirks. "Hey, man." I nod in reply.

"What took you so long?" I ask for Nessa.

"Got held up at the studio." Then he turns to her. "I just saw the missed calls, babe. I'm so sorry I missed movie night. I'll make it up to you, promise."

So that's what it was. Movie nights equal chick flicks. Yea, Lee. Got held up my ass.

"Well you missed The Fault In Our Stars," she says.

"The what?" He doesn't know it either. Not surprised. She gives​ him the same 'Are you serious?' look she gave me and shakes her head.

Lee looks at me and I shrug. Chick flicks aren't our thing.

Not that I could tell Evelyn that when she used to force me to watch them.

"Goodnight guys." I sprint upstairs and take a long shower and go to bed. In a few hours I'll know if I'm gonna have a child....with Ariel.


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