Chapter 6- What Do Women Do When Their Boyfriends Cheat?

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When I get to Lyn's parents' house I see her on the porch talking to some guy. I get out of my van and take the porch steps two at a time.

"What are you doing here?" She asks, on her feet now.

"Well you wouldn't answer your phone so I thought I'd come see you in person. It's been three days, Lyn."

"You think three days is time?" She scoffs.

"Damn it, Lyn, yes it is!"

"Is there a problem here?" The guy she was talking to asks from behind her.

"Yes. It's you," I reply.

"Marcel, don't be rude." Is she defending this douche? Who the hell is he anyway? "Nick, it's okay."

"Yea, Nick," I mimic.

"Marcel, boy. Come here." My gaze snap to the door and I find Jorel standing there. He used to say I was like a son to him. The look he's giving me now doesn't say the same thing.

As I begin walking over to him and inside the house, Mrs Brady appears at the door asking that Nick guy to leave us for a while.



So here we are seated in the living room with an awkward silence hanging over us. My parents are on either side of me on the couch and Marcel is seated directly before me on the loveseat.

I can feel his eyes on me and I both hate and love the way his gaze makes my skin tingle.

Ugh... What do women do when their boyfriends cheat on them? I need to know. Because right now I'm stuck between wanting to throw myself in his arms and wanting to hit him and tell him to leave.

"So I guess I'll have to talk with everyone here then," he begins. It's obvious that my parents aren't going anywhere. We're all waiting on him to say what he's here to say. "So you know of course what happened between Evelyn and I but I promise you it's not like it sounds. I mean, the woman that texted me is in fact the woman I ....

You have to believe that I wasn't in contact with that woman at all and I was just as surprised by that text as you were, Lyn. Look, I know it's no excuse that I was really intoxicated that night but to hurt you again? I wouldn't do that. And I think you know that." He runs a hand through his hair in frustration. "I'm just trying to say that I'm sorry and I never meant to hurt your daughter. But it will never happen again," he adds to my parents.

I don't know why he thinks I want to hear any more of this. The more I hear it the more it feels like a fresh wound. But he's right. Deep down, I think I know that he would never hurt me again.

But once hurts enough.


Okay. I came here with the intention of getting her back but I didn't plan for her parents to be present for this conversation. And I momentarily forgot about the pregnancy situation but is that selfish of me? To want her back no matter what?

Jorel clears his throat. "I don't mean to bring up bad memories but..." I know what's coming and I suppress the urge to groan. "But that's the kind of thing that got your parents killed. You shouldn't have been drinking in the first place."

"I know. I don't know what I was thinking. Actually, I wasn't thinking."

He nods and rises from the couch, signaling to his wife to leave us.

I look over to Lyn as they leave and like she's been doing for the past ten minutes, she's looking every where but at me.


She hums a reply but she still doesn't look at me. I stride over to where she's sitting. "On a scale of one to ten, how much do you hate me?"

Her head snaps to my direction. "I don't hate you, Marcel."

"Then why won't you look at me?" I argue. "Damn it, Lyn. I don't know how you do this. I can't stand being away from you. Is it so easy for you to be away from me?"

"No! I can't bear it, okay? Is that what you want to hear? That I hate lying in bed at nights without you there and getting up in the mornings without your arms around me? Gosh, I wish you could hold me and tell me none of this was real."

"So come home."

"Did you hear what I just said? I can't. Because you can't tell me this isn't real. It happened, Marcel. Now you need to give me the space I asked for. Stop pushing me before you lose me for good."

With that she gets​ up and leaves me sitting here.

I know she's right. I really need to let her be for a while, as much as I hate the idea. In the meanwhile, I need to find out what I'm gonna do about Ariel. Firstly, finding out if the baby is truly mine.


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