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"Do I look pretty?" You asked while spinning and twirling around in your new dress.

"Nope." Daniel answered, sounding very uninterested only to receive a death glare from you.

You rolled your eyes feeling annoyed and sat back in front of the mirror to put on some light makeup. Fighting with him would only waste your time and energy.

You had to save some for Jimin later on❤

"By the way, I thought mom and dad are going too."

"Stop talking, just hurry up." He sighed in frustration when you began to talk again.

"Will Jimin like my surprise? I'm so nervous."

"He might even cry, now let's go."

"Now that I think about it, I bet it's going to be so empty without him around."

"I'll wait for you in the car." He said in defeat and stepped out from the room.

After he left, you had no one to talk to which somehow had sped up your movement. After giving a last touch of lipstick to your lips, you grabbed for your purse. It was time to go downstairs.

The long dress of yours swept over the floor which made you feel like a princess who was seeking for her prince. Reaching down there, you swung the door opened only to see him standing there looking taller than usual, but hot as always.

"Jimin." You beamed and he responded with a small smile.

"Daniel just left with Jungkook, Hoseok-hyung and Namjoon-hyung. So, would you like to join us?"

You nodded. He then assisted you to their black van. You were about to get in after Jimin did when Taehyung showed up out of nowhere, entering the van first. Your glance strayed to the cut at the corner of his mouth. The small wound was obviously caused by Jihoon and everything that happened last night came into your head all at once.

*Taehyung is Anpanman...*

You began to imagine his face instead of the mask and reminisced all things he had said to you. The thoughts made your cheeks warmed.

You sat next to Yoonji while Jimin and Taehyung were on the back. The whole ride was so quiet. Jin and Yoongi only let out a few words to each other. While the rest of you only stared quietly out the window.


"The fact that you booked the biggest table here already gets me hyped but--" Hoseok paused before exclaiming, "--on the rooftop?!"

"Calm down, hyung." Jungkook laughed seeing how excited he was.

"We can sit together and watch the fireworks clearly from here. That's why I chose this place." Jimin proudly said.

Two waiters assisted all of you to a big rounded table. The moment you settled down, Jimin and Taehyung were secretly gesturing each other to sit next to you. But at last, Taehyung took the seat after being forced by Jimin.

"Are you shy~?" Yoongi teased but Jimin pretended as if he didn't hear him.

An hour passed by. Good talk, good food. Everything was good except for the fact that Jimin didn't even look at you no matter how much you tried to grab his attention. It was as if you were invisible there.

"Seren, I think it's time for you to give your present to Jimin. Am I right?" Daniel suddenly spoke up, making you choke on your water.

The fireworks were starting in only five more minutes. But having him to announce that to everyone was quite embarrassing. You were planning to tell him secretly. Now, everybody knew about it.

"Jimin, can you come with me for just a few minutes?" You awkwardly asked as you pushed your chair back and got up.

He seemed obviously confused at first. He turned to Taehyung and gave him the look as if he was asking for his permission.

"Go. This is your last night here." He tapped on his shoulder.

Jimin nodded to him and left the table with you. You brought him to an area where you two could see the fireworks clearer. However, people were already gathering there to take the best spots.

"We are a little bit late." You weakly smiled.

"I'm sorry." He suddenly apologized.

"For what?"

"For not being able to attend your birthday party 20 years ago."

There was quite a long silence after that. Your mouth pursed but slightly open and loose. Your eyes were fixed at him as more questions filled up your head.

"But, isn't Taehyung--"

"I know." He cut you off and sighed before continuing,

"When we were kids, the three of us used to play together. You, me and Taehyung. I still remember how much you loved the cartoon show,"

"Anpanman." You said.

He nodded with a soft smile, "You wanted one to come to your party. Taehyung and I came up with the same idea which was to become your Anpanman."

"I thought there was only one boy. There were two?"

"My dad helped his friend to take care of his kid. That kid was Taehyung. Everything was fine, until his parents went missing. They disappeared just like that, leaving him nothing at all. My mom and dad got into a big fight and they got a divorce. Taehyung was sent to an orphanage. I was asked to stay with my mom or dad." He paused for a moment to take a deep breath.

"But I chose to stay with Taehyung instead."

"What about his house?"

"His parents sold it." He answered, and looked up to the sky. It was dark, just like his past.

"You know what? Taehyung was the one who decided to move back to here, hoping for his parents to come and take him. Unfortunately, we don't even know if they are still alive or not." He lowered his voice to say the last sentence and tried his best to hold back his tears.

"Jimin!" A sweet voice from behind made the two of you turned around.

"Yuna," he smiled and asked you to wait for a moment while he went and talked to her.

*He invited her too?* you bit your lower lip, a bit disappointed.

Not too long after that, he returned.

"Can you wait for a few minutes? I have to show her our table."

"But Jimin, the fireworks--"

"I won't be long." He smiled and ran back to Yuna.

"Park Jimin!" You yelled but he couldn't even hear you when the fireworks exploded above with a loud boom.

Fireworks burst in multiple colours and a few words gradually appeared. The words 'I love you Park Jimin' were your present for him. You had been waiting for this moment. Unfortunately, he couldn't even see a word and he wasn't by your side.

In the end, all your hard work resulted in nothing.

The words then slowly vanished and Jimin finally came back. But it was useless.

"Sorry for making you wait." He apologized.

"I thought Yuna was just your regular customer."

He chuckled, "Recently she has become more than that."

"I see." You mumbled and said nothing after that.

*Become more than that? Does that mean they--*

"So, what is it that you want to give me?"

"Nothing." You replied fast, eyes already bubbling over tears.

He was speechless seeing you cried all of a sudden. Before he could open his mouth to utter a word, you left.

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