Level 55: Have Your Heart Crushed Slowly

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My reflection was unfamiliar.

I was wearing the dress Brandt had requested—white, knee-length, with lace sleeves—the matching flats, the slim diamond necklace, the earrings. All I needed to do was add the lace hair clips. An up-do. The picture he'd sent me as an example was on my phone, lying on the dresser table.

But I couldn't bring myself to move my hands.

I couldn't help feeling like I'd come back full circle.

Three months ago, I'd been dressing in bodycon dresses, face drowning in make-up—pretending to be someone I wasn't.

Fast forward to the present: my make-up was lighter, the dress was conservative. The mask was different. But I was still pretending to be someone else.

The sound of a knock made me jump.

"Yes?" My voice warbled.

A beat, then, "Can I come in?" Alissa.

I cleared my throat. "Yeah. Sure."

She slipped into the room. "You...you look nice."

I turned back to the mirror. "Thank you."

She approached me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded, offering her a smile in the mirror. "I'm fine."

She stopped behind me. Her gaze flickered to the hair clips in my hand, and then to the image on my phone.

She hesitated, then rushed out, "Do you want me to help?"

I blinked rapidly. "Yeah—uh, sure."

She nodded, taking the clips from my hands. I watched as her hands moved, arranging my hair strand by strand until it began to resemble the picture.

Her voice was soft when she spoke, "I heard Brandt's sister is dating Axel Ryder."

I suppressed a flinch. I made my voice light. "Yeah."

She didn't say anything, clipping the last strand into place. Her hands fell. She stepped back.

"Thank you," I said.

"You don't have to do this."

I blinked, turning to face her. "What?"

Her eyes were glued to the ground. "I know...I know how it feels to watch the person you love fall in love with someone else."

Her words wrenched at my heart.

"I'll talk to my dad," Alissa said, "I'll tell the truth—"

I shook my head, smiling. I was more certain than ever. "It's okay." I hesitated, then I squeezed her hand.

She didn't pull away.

"I'm going to be fine."


I was wrong.

"Are you sure you don't want more?" Brielle asked, her brows crumpling with concern. She was holding a garlic stick, hovering it in front of Axel's mouth.

Axel, dressed in an expensive suit, his hair slicked back, looking as if he'd come off a runway.

He smiled tightly. "I'm fine."

She beamed at him, caressing his face. "Alright, then."

Her touch yanked at something in my chest.

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