Level 25: Let Him Distract You

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I slipped into the house at 11:50 am, ten minutes before mom had said this mysterious delivery would arrive.

The instant I entered the house, I stiffened.

Standing in the front room, in all her perfection, was Alissa. She was leaning against a wall, tapping on her phone screen.

She glanced up at me. Her eyes narrowed. Her focus returned to her phone.

Why was she standing here?

My gaze slid to the stairs. I didn't want to be in the same room as her.

She could collect the delivery couldn't she?

A need to make my mom happy kept me in the room. I moved to a spot next to the stairs, as far as I could get from Alissa.

I frowned when I heard the sound of a car approaching.

How could someone delivering a package have gotten past the gates?

Before I could do anything, the doors swung open. Mom and Ken burst inside.

Mom's eyes locked with mine, her lips stretching into a bright grin. "Violet!"

In the next second, we were crushed to each other, hugging so hard that I thought I would snap a bone.

Mom pulled back, her eyes wet. "Oh, I've missed you so much!" She squeezed me into another hug.

A sob threatened to rise in my chest. I smothered it.

She was here. Mom was here.

Too soon, she was pulling away. She hugged Alissa. Alissa's lips were positioned in that polite smile that was only present when Ken and mom were around.

I hadn't noticed before how dark her eyes looked whenever she smiled.

"I thought you weren't coming back for another week," I choked out when mom pulled away.

She squeezed my cheeks. "I couldn't leave my angels alone for another week."

Ken chuckled, wrapping an arm around mom's shoulders. "You're a worry wart," he teased.

She grinned up at him, before her gaze returned to us. "So, how did my girls get on?" Her eyes glowed with excitement. "Did you guys bond? Do you feel like sisters already?"

My throat constricted.

I found out she and my boyfriend have been meeting up behind my back.

I don't know for how long.

Alissa gave her perfect smile. "Yes, of course. We bonded a lot while you were both gone."

Mom clapped her hands, bouncing. "I knew it! I'm so happy!" She squeezed us into a hug, an arm around each of our necks. She pulled back, smiling. "My two girls, getting along so well!"

I forced my lips into a smile.

"Oh, you two probably haven't had lunch—why don't I make you something?"

"Sweetheart, you don't have to do that," Ken said. "I can have the chef come over."

Mom shook her head, curls swaying. "No—no—I want to. We can have a proper family dinner." She pushed Alissa and I in the direction of the dining room. "You both set out the plates, I'll go whip something up."

"I'll get our bags upstairs." Ken kissed her forehead.

As I moved towards the dining room, I heard the sound of soft voices, and then giggling.

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