Level 50: Lose It

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I couldn't move. "Where did you get this?" I whispered.

Brielle was watching me, smiling, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "You should tell your father not to sh*t where he eats."

"Delete it," I rasped.

Her smile stretched. "You know I can't do that."

"What do you want?" I snapped.

What else could she ask for?

She took the phone. "Nothing. Just thought I'd inform my boyfriend of what his father's doing behind his mother's back." She tapped the screen. "There. I've sent it to you."

My phone vibrated in my pocket. Vomit rose up my throat.

I staggered to my feet. A wave of dizziness hit me.

She smiled up at me. "See you tomorrow, honey."

I was ordering an uber before I'd stepped out of the house. I slid into the backseat as soon as it stopped.

I rattled off my address without hearing the words. As the world blurred around the car, anger trickled in, replacing the shock.

It won't happen again.

I slammed my fist into the armrest.

The driver flinched, shooting me a glance in the rear-view mirror.

Liar. He was such a f**king liar.

And I was the idiot who believed him.

The car pulled up in the driveway.

Before the driver could speak, I'd stormed into the house.

I took the stairs two at a time. My ears were ringing, my chest heaving.

I threw open the doors to his office. "What the f**k have you done?"

Vincent looked up from his desk, his expression instantly falling into a scowl. "What are you doing?"

The door slammed shut behind me. "Why do you do it?"

His eyes narrowed. "Are you drunk?"

I slammed my fist into the wall. "You are such an a**hole!"

Vincent stood. "Get the f**k out of my office."

"The worst thing is that I actually believed you—"

"How dare you come into my house drunk—"

"Did you have to f**k her friend?!"

He stiffened. "What?"

I ripped out my phone, swiping it open and throwing it onto his desk. The video started playing.

He paled.

It was like I was repeating the same moment, over and over again. All we did was go in circles.

"Where did you get this?" he whispered.

I squeezed my eyes shut, pressing my fist to my forehead. "Of all the people you could have slept with..."

Vincent swallowed. "Axel—where did you get this?"

Nothing I did worked. No matter how many times I threatened him, he didn't stop.

Maybe it would be better if mom knew. If she could walk away.

"You can't tell your mother," he rushed out. He started to round the table. "Look, it was a mistake. I'm—I'm getting help. I made a mistake—I'm human—"

"You're a f**king liar."

He straightened. "Axel, listen to me, I'm your father—"

"You are nothing to me," I spat. "You are a selfish a**hole, and my mother deserves better than you."

Panic rose into his expression. "Fine, Axel, you can have your car back, your apartment, whatever you want—"

My laughter came out choked. "Are you f**king serious? You cheat on my mother and you offer me my car?"

His eyes flashed to the door. "Lower your voice. She'll hear—"

"Let her hear!" I roared. "I am done covering for you." I moved towards the door. "Let her decide what to do."

He moved to stand in front of the door. "You can't do this Axel—"

"Get the f**k out of my way."

"Axel, please—"

I moved to shove him out of the way, when the door opened.

Mom's head popped in.

We both froze.

She glanced between the both of us, her brows furrowing. "Are you two okay? I heard yelling."

Vincent straightened. "Yes, we're fine, just talking." His eyes locked with mine, his face still pale. "Right, son?"

I am not your son.

Mom's gaze turned to me. Her expression tightened in concern. "Axel? You don't look so good—are you okay?"

He's a liar. He cheated on you. It's not the first time. He's done it so many times. Since we were in England.

That's what changed.

Each time I hide it, because I don't want you to get hurt.

Mom stepped into the room. "Axel?"

Vincent cleared his throat. "Son?"

I'm sorry mom. I'm weak—I can't hide it anymore.

She squeezed my hand. "Sweetheart, is there something wrong?"

Say it.

F**king say it.

"He's fine, Isabel. Just tired." Vincent put his hand on my back. "Right son?"

I flinched away from him.


I couldn't.

I couldn't hurt her.

"I'm fine, mom."

Vincent's shoulders fell.

Mom blinked. "Oh, okay."

"Isabel—could you give us a moment to finish our conversation?"

She nodded. She kissed my cheek. "I'll see you later sweetie."

I watched her leave, my throat so tight that I could barely breathe.

"You made the right decision," Vincent said after the door shut.

"F**k you."

"Listen, Axel, your mother doesn't deserve to suffer," he said. "You will show her kindness."

"Of course." I glared at him. "I have the perfect role model."

I snatched my phone from the table and shoved past him.

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