Chapter 26

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Allison hadn't won any of her competitions, but she really starting to enjoy ballet. Sure, the practices could be intense, but there was a sort of thrill to mastering a move that reminded her of gymnastics. Not to mention the website Luke had help her set up had already earned thirty dollars,  which was a great start. Needless to say, she was in a pretty great mood with two months left until the state competition.

At least until Tabitha's mother rushed into the church, tears streaming down her face, and ran into Allison's arms. 

"It's Tabitha," she sobbed. "Her lungs are failing, and...and the medicine isn't helping, and I just didn't know who else to come to."

Allison knew she needed to be strong for the sake of Tabitha's mother. "What can I do to help?"

"You've already done so much..." she sniffled. "I can't bear asking."

"I would do anything for Tabitha."

Luke stepped up and put a hand on Allison's shoulder. "And if I can help in any way, count me in."

The woman sniffled. "She needs surgery. It's  more than we can afford, and without it..."

She didn't have to finish her sentence for Allison to know the stakes.

"How long does she have?"

"With your money, we can keep her on life support for months. But the sooner she gets the surgery, the better her chances of survival."

Allison wracked her brain for a solution. She couldn't think of anything.

"I'll do what I can." she promised.

She just didn't know if it would be enough.

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