Chapter 15

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With the revelation that she would have competition in the small tournaments, Anastasia had no choice but to start putting weight on her bad ankle during practice. Her coach had led her through some low impact exercises, but they mostly stuck to the basic positions, training her to be comfortable on her bad ankle and reinforcing the basic principles of ballet. It was painful, but she was certain it was necessary.

"You did good today. Just keep all weight off that foot when your not in the gym, we don't want a reinjury."

Anastasia nodded and hobbled over to her crutches. After more than a week in a cast, she was beginning to get used to the crutches.

"Thanks coach. Same time tonmorow?"

"As always." He confirmed.

She leaned heavily on the crutches as she left the building, careful to keep her bad ankle off the ground. Now that she was dancing on it, her ankle ached constantly, and she wouldn't have wanted to walk on it even if she could have.

"You practice for a long time. I almost gave up."

Anastasia turned her head to see a familiar face, and more distinctly, a familiar hat.

"Luke," she greeted with surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"Well I dropped by about an hour and a half ago to try and catch you on the way out of practice, but it turns out your practice lasts longer than the two hours I expected."

"Sorry." Anastasia shrugged. "I wasn't really expecting you to be here."

"I brought you flowers," he pulled his hand put from behind his back and held out a handful of daisies.

"They're beautiful." Anastasia bit her lip. "But my hands are a little full."

She lifted her hands off the crutches to prove her point.

"" Luke shifted awkwardly. "Sorry I guess."

"No, no, it's sweet." 

"Well, um..." He reached over and tucked a single flower behind her ear. In the process, the rest of the bouquet fluttered to the ground. "There you go?"

Anastasia smiled. "Thanks."

They stared at each other for a moment, lost in the moment.

"Do you want to get some ice cream or something?" Anastasia offered. 

"I'd love to,"  Luke smiled. "But I'm actually mostly out of time. I only have like half an hour before I need to be somewhere."

"Just a walk then?" she suggested.

"I wouldn't want to inconvenience you. With the crutches and all."


There was an awkward pause.

"Do you by any chance want to sit awkwardly on that cracked bench in the parking lot of your dance facility for twenty minutes?" 

Anastasia smiled. "Absolutely I would."

They made their way to the concrete bench that overlooked the parking lot, and took a seat. Anastasia leaned her crutches against the side of the bench, and Luke kept his arm pressed to his chest where the sling held it. 

"This bench is almost as broken as we are, huh?"

Anastasia tilted her head until he hastily corrected. "Physically I mean. With the ankle and the arm and all." 

"Yeah, I got it." She smiled. "Where are you off to later anyways?"

"My church. I volunteer with this charity for kids more broken than we are."

"So like, at risk kids?"

"No, I actually meant physically broken again. It's kind of like the Make a Wish Foundation, except they pair the kids up with mentors."

"That actually sounds pretty cool."

"Yeah, it is." Luke's enthusiasm was soaring. " I actually think there was a pair in ballet a while back. A little black girl maybe?"

Anastasia didn't think before she spoke, which led to not the most sensitive response. "You mean that jerk kid who got the pity win at regionals?"

Luke raised an eyebrow until she hastily corrected. "I mean the cute little one they let win at regionals?"

"I'm not really sure if she won or where they went, but I'm pretty sure she's out of the program."

"Out like...dead out?"

Luke put his arm around her and squeezed her for a second. "Don't worry about it. I think she's fine, and I'm not upset about what you said."

"Really? I thought I sounded like a jerk."

"You sounded upset and perhaps a bit jealous. Not your best moment, but not reprehensible."

"And I totally didn't mean it. I was just a little bitter that she ruined my chances of a victory at the State meet."

"I would love to hear that story, and I absolutely plan on asking you about it, but I have to run if I want to be on time." He untangled his arm from her and tipped his hat. "I'm getting assigned a new kid this afternoon."

"Have fun." She started to struggle to her feet, and Luke took a moment to help her.

"I hope to do this again soon. Maybe with a bit less waiting and a bit more time together?"

"Sounds good." Anastasia smiled. "And if you're gonna ask about the competition, I want to know about the hat."

"It's a deal." Luke tipped his hat one more time, and disappeared down the road.

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