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"We should let him go, guys." Xiomara said from the roof of the car, looking at Liam who was tied up to the tree.

"The adults are having a conversation, child." Stiles said. She jumped down from the car and rolled her eyes.

"We're only two years younger than you." Liam said as the three approached him.

"Actually I'm only a few months younger that them." Xiomara commented. Liam looked at her, surprised, and turned to Scott.

"You're in complete and total control?" Scott asked before opening the lock.

"Complete and total control." Liam said. Scott let him go and headed to the car with Stiles.

"Xiomi." Liam called out and showed her his hands. She took them and healed them. She had gone to Greece for a week and they taught her how to heal without using her element. They climbed into the car and Stiles started driving.

"Is it a party?" Liam asked, wanting to be more involved.

"It's not a party." Stiles answered.

"Then what's at midnight?" Liam questioned.

"Your bedtime." Stiles said.

"Actually, it's witching hour." Xiomara smiled.

"That week in Greece made you way too excited about magic... and boys." Stiles mumbled.

"If it's not a party then why are the girls going?" Liam asked.

"They're meeting us there- stop asking questions." Stiles grumbled.

"They're obviously gonna have a double date and something more after." Xiomara whispered to Liam. Liam laughed and nodded.

"I heard that." Scott scolded and looked at his phone.

"Have you guys been having trouble with your phones?" Scott asked. The car came to a stop and Scott and Stiles went to check what was up. There was thunder and lightening struck a few feet behind the car, making the two sophomores look.

"Guys." Liam called out. Lightening struck again, this time closer, frightening Liam and Xiomara.

"Guys!" They both called out.

"Give us a second please." Stiles said.

"Just give us a second, okay?" Scott said. Xiomara and Liam looked at each other then looked back out the windows to see if it would happen again. It struck right behind Stiles and Scott, startling them, and the car turned back on. Liam rolled down the window and stuck his head out.

"Can we go now?" He asked and put his head back in the car. The shut the hood and quickly got in the car before driving away.


"Sorry, we're late." Stiles said and kissed Malia.

"I'm sorry, too." Liam smiled, as the couple broke the kiss. Xiomara pushed Liam out the way and rolled down the window.

"Malia! I'm back!" Xiomara greeted, sticking her upper half out of the window. She stretched out her arms and embraced Malia. Xiomara almost went out the window but Liam grabbed her waist.

"Get back in the car, she's coming in." Liam said, pulling Xiomara back in. Malia entered the car and embraced Xiomara more comfortably. The three boys stared at the girls, who were catching up on how their appearances changed, waiting for the girls to pay attention to them. The two looked at them questionably.

"You find out yet?" Stiles asked his girlfriend.

"Find out what?" Liam asked.

"They're going to email me." Malia nodded.

"Is this about summer school?" Liam asked, bluntly.

"You can't just ask her like that, Liam." Xiomara mumbled, nudging him.

"You told him?" Malia asked. Malia had told Xiomara herself. Liam, on the other hand, had been told by Stiles.

"We should've left him on the tree." Stiles mumbled.

"Don't say that, it's your fault you have a big mouth." Xiomara said, hitting Stile's arm. Liam smiled at her and put his hand on her knee.

"Do you two have something going on?" Malia asked.

"No!" They both said, moving away from each other, pushing Malia into the door.

"But they want to." Stiles smirked.

"I'll cut your tongue and make a potion out of it, Stiles." Xiomara said, making her eyes turn purple just to mess with him.


"You wanna hang out at my house? I know you don't like being home alone." Xiomara asked, as she waited for Genesis to come pick her up. Liam nodded and smiled at her.

"Have you hung out with Mason this summer?" She questioned.

"No, he was in Germany all summer." Liam said.

"When's the last time you guys texted?" She asked, knowing that Liam tends to push Mason away at times.

"A month ago?" Liam answered, unsure.

"He's your best friend, Liam, don't push him away." She said. Genesis pulled up and they both got in the car.

"It's late, Liam, you can sleep over. Celeste and Demetria are still on their honeymoon." Genesis said. Liam nodded and put his seatbelt on. A little after Derek cheated, Demetria had come out the closet and started dating Celeste. They got married in Greece and took a month and a half off for their honeymoon.

"You need your things, right?" Genesis asked.

"Yeah." Liam said, looking out the window.

"I'll get them, don't worry." Genesis smiled and winked at him.

"Stop flirting with him, it's illegal, you creep." Xiomara said to the twenty year old.

"I'm being friendly, not flirty." Genesis defended. They got to Xiomara's house and went inside. Liam pulled Xiomara upstairs and into her room.

"I have to go, Scott's in danger." Liam whispered.

"But they're at the school, how could be in danger?" Xiomara question.

"He just is. I'll be back, though. Cover for me." Liam said, opening the window.

"Wait." She said and put the jade necklace on him.

"Hopefully, this will protect you." She said and watched him go.

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