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(Grayson is more muscular than Alex)
Ethan faintly remembered the smaller mentioning a boy named Alex who he used to be close with Grayson . Should I be worried now that he's back? Nah i'm a total catch.
Grayson: Miss you 💋
Grayson: I know you like your alone time at lunch🙇🏻‍♂️
Ethan: 💙
Ethan began sketching his worries away now unbothered.
Grayson's Pov
Ethan is so hot in a crop top, Grayson thought as he made his way to the lunch area.
Upon Entering he spotted a someone familiar at his table. His jaw dropped open as he got closer, it was Alex Aiono, his ex-boyfriend.
Grayson sat down cautiously Alex embracing him as the other awkwardly hugged back.
"So I've been informed your dating a hearing guy now, no love left for us deafies?"Alex signed a bit sassily.
"Its not official or anything yet"
"So how do you know he's not going to leave now you've hooked up, shouldn't he be showering you with affection and appreciation, you know I would after something like that" He signed passion in his eyes.
Grayson choked on air glaring at Greg for filling him in as the older smirked, content with himself. The more muscular signing " He likes his alone time" knowing how stupid that sounds.
(Sign Language only conversation time)
"Sure Gray..." Alex signed feeling sympathy for the other.
"Also Greg hates him"
"Thats true" Greg signed back
"I was hurt when you left , you were the only person who could truly relate to me"
"I know, but I'm back for now, hopefully we can patch things up between if not as boyfriends the as best friends"
"Ok" Grayson signed emotionally.
His wristband vibrated letting him and Alex know lunch was over.
"Nice seeing you guys!" Alex signed as he walked off Grayson going shortly after.
Gia's POV
After they both has gone Gia turned Greg around wanting to keep thing on the down low signing " I know what game he's playing at, should we help him out since you always liked Alex more?"
"I could make it seem like Ethan doesn't care about my brother anymore, today was a good start"
"Your brother will hate you, leave him be "
"Fine, maybe Ethan will do the work for me"
"This is so stupid your stupid, remember what happened last time" she replied as she thumped the back of his head trying to knock to sense into him.
"Alright, Alright, Geez"
Ethan's POV
"I hope Gray likes this" He said out loud to himself, closing his sketchbook and packing it away. Ethan zipped his jacket the crop top making him chilly, and went to the Parking lot only to find his motorcycle had a flat tire.
He texted Grayson saying
Ethan: cycle's got a flat tire can't take you home😞
Grayson: Greg has a truck he can drop you and me off at the shop😝
Ethan: doesn't he want me dead?
Grayson: i'll text him to back off for now
Ethan: ok..
Grayson: Please be nice to Ethan we need a ride to his shop
Greg: One condition I get to punch him in the stomach
Grayson: Fine
Grayson: he said yes be ready
Ethan: cool
Ethan saw Greg come around around with his truck and park right is front of him. The older got out and immediately jabbed him in the stomach causing him to lose him breath and stagger a few steps back.
"Thank you, I deserved that" He replied winded giving Greg a thumbs up while he catches his breath.
"Yeah you did lets go" The older replied back Getting into the drivers seat as Ethan rolled his motorcycle onto the bed of the truck, tying it down with bungee cord.
Grayson sat in the middle seat while Ethan sat to next to him.
Grayson quickly fell into a deep sleep onto Ethans shoulder.
A moment had passed when Greg said
"My brother can be easily forgiving don't take advantage of that, or I will cut your dick off"
"I didn't go to your house expecting to fuck your brother if thats what you mean, but i'll try to control myself I guess, I probably should have said no".
"Yeah you should have" Greg said irritated.
"Have you been tested yet?"
"For std's"
"Yeah" Ethan replied confused.
"I don't have any" Ethan said as he pulled out a copy of the lab work out of his backpack, He was going to show it to Grayson when they have sex, but that day hasn't come yet so he gets it done every week in anticipation.
Greg glanced at the paper replying back "Good"
"Now thats one thing less I have to worry about"
"Ok were here get out"
Ethan nudged Grayson who was now snoring, then pinched his nose shut, startling him as he woke up. The smaller held out his arms and the taller picked him up as Grayson went back to sleep in the crook of Ethan's neck.
As they Entered the shop the taller set him down on a couch, the smaller rolling over trying to get comfortable.
Ethan rolled his motorcycle in and sat down in a chair, in awe at the adorableness that is Grayson clerk.
"I am so lucky" Ethan said to himself as he pulled out his sketchbook to work on his drawing for Grayson.
I know Grayson falls asleep a lot don't sue me
I think its cute🤧

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