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Ethan's Pov
Ethan woke up first, his arms still wrapped around Grayson. He carefully lifted his arms and took the smaller's hearing aid out and placed it on his nightstand. He really had to pee so he gently got off the bed and rushed towards Grayson's bathroom.
As he was pissing he heard chatter in the next room. He was worried they might have heard them being intimate. Ethan wanted to climb out the window but he didn't want to leave Grayson and end up giving him the wrong idea so he stayed and cuddled back to smaller, spooning, pulling the covers back up.
Grayson was snoring which Ethan thought was so adorable, so he brought his phone and recorded it for a bit.
Grayson began to stir in his sleep, stretching as he woke up elbowing the taller's face in the process.
Ethan signed to a half-asleep Grayson "Good morning handsome"
"Guuuhh moornin" the smaller spoke, not wanting to lift his hands, as the taller kissed him afterwards.
The taller took out the retainer device from the day before placed it in the box on the nightstand.
Grayson got up to take a piss then a shower, as the taller tagged along. Ethan started a warm shower, the smaller stepping in with him after he was done.
"Nuh sex, we hab  skule" Grayson said as he tore Ethans hands off his waist. The taller obliged pouring body wash into a loofa as they both washed each other, giving extra attention to each other's junk. They shampooed then jacked each other off quickly relieving their solid erections.
They grabbed a towel and dried off, Grayson picking up his hearing aid and putting it back in his ear.
Ethan, not bringing a change of clothes,  signed "I didn't bring a change of clothes"  Grayson nodded throwing him a black crop top and sweatpants.
"A crop really, you want me to wear that?"
Ethan had never worn a shirt that shown more than his arms.
"It's either this or get one from Greg"
"i'll take my chances with Greg" Ethan signed back sassily.
"Your funeral" Grayson said as Ethan left the room.
Ethan knocked on Greg's door, only for it to be answered by Gia.
"Boy you better run before he notices it wasn't his brother that knocked"
Ethan defeated comes back to a crossed arm Grayson who held out the Crop as the taller snatched from his hand with attitude.
"At least i've got the body for it" Ethan signed as he smirked making Grayson blush and laugh a little.
They ran down the stairs to get their backpacks and a protein bar.
"Hey I really like the cologne you have on" Ethan signed before they got on the cycle.
"Thanks you smell good too"
"Well it is your cologne " he signed back.
"Take the compliment doof"
"Ok, lets go"
(English class)
Ethan tapped Grayson on the shoulder and signed "Do you have a pen?"
The smaller chuckled silently, as it was now an inside joke.
They kept joking all throughout class until the bell rung and they packed up their stuff.
"I have to stay and make up a test" Grayson signed not wanting to speak in front of the teacher.
"Ok" the taller signed back not wanting to be left alone.
He roamed the hallways till he got to his spot on the bleachers. He sat down and got his sketch pad. He was about ready to draw when he noticed someone a couple rows below him, intrigued as he was usually there alone took a piece of paper crumpled it into a ball and tossed it at the back of their head.
The person irritated, flipped him off, a move he was all too familiar with before Grayson talked.
The person packed their stuff got up and walked up the aisle making Ethan nervous about retaliation. The person reached Ethan threw the ball of paper back at him.
As the person turned his head he noticed a hearing aid dangling on his ear, bulky and noticeable unlike Grayson's.
Feeling bad he stopped the boy and signed
"I'm sorry, What's your name"
The boy replied back signing lightning fast
"A-L-E-X" before walking off.
Why was that name familiar? he thought to himself.
Who is Alex?

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