Ch. 30

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We finally made it to J's vacation house. It was on top of a hill. Below it was the beach. The maids took J's bag and were about to take mine.

"It's fine. I can handle this. It's just a small bag" I say

"No, ma'am, I'll take it for you." She insists

"No thank you. I'll take my own bag, okay?" I give her a small smile

"O-okay..." she says hesitantly

I walk into the house and find J sprawled all over the couch. He looked dead tired. Of course he's tired, he drove the whole way. He didn't want me driving.

"You prefer the couch over a comfy bed?" I say

"I'm too lazy to walk all the way to the bedroom" He groans

I dropped my bag by the couch and plopped next to him. He laid his head on my lap and I immediately start running my hand through his hair. It's a habit that I've developed because of Chris. We do this a lot.

"Mmm...that feels nice" He mumbles

Realization stuck me. This wasn't Chris. I pulled my hand away and looked away in embarrassment.

"Heyyyy why'd you stop?" He whines

"Sorry...I thought you were Chris. It's just a habit of mine." I say

"It's fineee. Don't stop" He says

With my face burning up, I continue to run my hand through his soft hair. I need to know how he takes care of his hair. I want my hair to be this soft too.


"Yes, Mr. J?" I say, making him chuckle

"Is Chris your boyfriend?"

I think I just won the Guinness World Record for reddest face ever.

"No!!! You asked this already!!!" I exclaim

"We are NOT dating. We are just friends. Good friends. Great friends. Close friends." I say

"Oh okay. It just really really seems like it"

"We're not." I say one last time

"If Chris isn't your boyfriend, then who is?" He asks

"I'm single, dumb dumb." I poke his forehead. His eyes widen in disbelief.

"No way" He says

"Yes way. I am a single pringle"


"What do you mean "how" ?"

"You're a gorgeous girl and you're really popular, but no guy has asked you out yet?" He says

"Nope!" I say, popping the p at the end

"That is so weird." He shakes his head

"It's really not. I'm not pretty, and I'm not popular therefore no guy likes me." I say

"What are you talking about? Of course you're pretty!!! Of course you're popular!! Do you not remember how many times you've publicly dissed the slut squad?"

"Then I guess it's just cause I'm not pretty" I shrug

"Stop lying. You are very gorgeous. One of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen." He says

"No offense,but why am I supposed to believe you? You're a player. You probably say that to every girl that you've met." I say

He sighs sadly at what I said. He seems to hate it when I bring up topics like these. Topics where he's not really the best person ever.

"You don't have to believe me, but what I'm saying is true. You are very beautiful." He says

"Thanks." I smile lightly

We changed the topic quickly. We talked until J finally fell asleep. I carefully lifted his head from my lap and got up from the couch. I was kinda bored, so I decided to walk around.

I went outside and walked by the shore. I breathed in the cool fresh air and smiled peacfully. Luck was finally on my side for once. I get to be with the guy I have a huge crush on for a whole week, There's no drama from the sluts, peaceful seas, and etc. This was gonna be the best week ever.

I reached the side of the beach that had more people in it. We were staying at J's private beach and apparently I've walked all the way to the public beach. I guess the town is nearby too. I searched for a hair salon, and stayed there for about an hour.


I took a deep breath and opened the door to the beach house. It was already 6pm. I went shopping after my trip to the hair salon. I was really nervous for J's reaction.

I walked inside and saw him pacing in the living room. He looked up immediately as I opened the door. I was immediately tackled into a tight hug, making me drop my bags.

"Where were you?! I woke up and you were gone. You left your phone here, and I couldn't find you anywhere! I was so worried!!" He exclaimed. He hugged me tighter with every sentence

"I'm fine. I went to the town, and did a little shopping. I kinda lost track of time." I scratch the back of my neck sheepishly

"Please don't scare me like that again" He looks into my eyes

"I promise." I smile lightly

He takes a step back and notices my head covered with a beanie. He furrows his brows in confusion.

"Why are you wearing that?" He asks

"What? You don't like it?" I pout

"Well it's very...different." He says

"Okay...I'll take it off"

I remove the beanie. My freshly dyed and cut hair falls down to a few inches below my shoulders. I cut my long hair and kept it to send to charity. My hair was no longer ginger, but a beautiful silver color. I know I wasted such beautiful rare ginger colored hair, but I was getting bored looking at it everyday. Plus, this was on my bucket list. For nearly eighteen years, I've lived with my beautiful hair. I think that somewhere out there a cancer survivor would rock the red head life.

I wait for J's reaction, but he just stares at me in shock. I nervously run my hand through my hair. Was it bad? I actually thought it looked quite good on me...

"Woah." He finally says

"Does it look good?" I ask nervously

"You look...amazing. wow." He breathes out

"Really?" I ask

"Yeah. It suits you so well!!" He says

"Oh thank god. I thought it looked bad." I sigh in relief

"No no no. It's the complete opposite. You look absolutely amazing. The color really really looks good on you." He says

"Thanks" I blush. He can stop complimenting me now

"This may sound cheesy, but it really brings out your eyes. Silver and blue...such a perfect combination." He wouldn't stop staring and complimenting me. My face was right red.

"Thanks, J." I say

"Honestly, Harley...You look fucking hot"

Yup. It's official. My face was literally on fire.


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