The happy ending?

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"Us? Why?" Ben asked. "You tortorued her everyday for the past like 2 months." Jay brought the bottle to Mal, and gave her some. The next day, Ben and Evie were still at Bargain Castle. Mal woke up, and starting making pancakes. 

Ben walked up to her, and laid a hand on her shoulder. She kissed him really quick, thinking he was Jay, because Jay always did that to her. She turned around and screamed. "You're not Jay! Ben! What are you still doing here!?" 

Evie stood up and went over to her husband. "You just kissed my husband!" " I thought he was Jay! Jay always does that to me every morning! Besides, I didn't know you two were still here!" Jay walked into the room, and everyone shut up. 

"Hey Mal." Jay said, kissing Mal's cheek. Evie glared at Mal. "What's everyone so angered about?"Jay asked. "Mal kissed Ben on the lips!" Evie screamed. "ON ACCIDENT OKAY! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU TWO WERE STILL HERE, AND I THOUGHT HE WAS JAY!" Mal screamed back. 

Jay put his hands on Mal's shoulders, and she relaxed. She turned around and hugged him. "Ben, Evie, you might as well leave now. We can't leave, until they find the new King and Queen of the Isle." 

"Why?" Evie asked. "Well, temporarily, Mal and I are King and Queen, until they find Harry Hook, and Uma." Jay said. "Where are they at?" "Up at some castle here that was abondanded. They are in line, so right now, we're here temporairly, for at least 3 more days." 

Ben and Evie decided to leave after that. Mal sighed in relief. Jay and Mal ate pancakes, and watched tv for 3 days. Until Uma and Harry Hook, showed up at the door. They talked for a while, until Mal and Jay decided, they were ready to leave, back for Auradon City. 

Mal and Jay left the Isle, and went back to Auradon City, thanks to Mal's motor scooter. Carlos saw them and ran to them, crying in joy. The three sat there in a big group hug, until someone cleared their throat. 

Fairy Godmother stood there, shaking her head. "Mal, Jay, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." "Ben said we could come back." "Yes. But he does not have the power who comes to this school or not."

"He's the King of The United States of Auradon though. Shouldn't he have some power?" "No. I cancelled your scholarships to this school. Leave, or you shall be arested." Mal and Jay ran off, after telling Carlos they were going to Agrbahr. 

Carlos waved bye, and he screamed. Ben and Evie ran over. "What's wrong Carlos?" Evie asked him sitting next to him. Ben sat down on the other side of him. "Mal and Jay, can't come back here ever! They went to Agrbahr!!" 

He ran off, and Dude chased after him. "Our stupid lies. We need to tell everyone." So they did just that. They told the whole school everything. Carlos was silent by their sides the whole time. "Carlos, do you want to say something?" Ben asked him. 

Carlos took a microphone, and said something nobody though he would ever say, " Go to the Isle." He stormed off. Mal and Jay on the other hand, had found a place in Agrabahr, at Jasmine and Aladdin's castle.

Jay found out that Jasmine is his mom, and he was so happy. Mal still didn't know who her father was, and Jasmine saw her sadness. "Dear, come here. I think I can help." Jasmine led Mal and Jay to a room, where there was a man inside. 

It was a man that nether of them had seen before. He opened the door and hugged Mal. Suddenly Mal regonzied him. It was her father. She didn't know his name though, and he never told her. 

Mal and Jay were really happy in Agrabahr, but they missed Carlos and Dude. A year later, Carlos came to live in Agrabahr with Mal and Jay, and he took Dude with him. Ben and Evie really missed Jay, Carlos, Mal, and Dude, and sometimes came to visit. 

As for Mal and Jay's relansonship, well, they took it to the next level. They got married and Carlos got married to Jane on the same day. DOUBLE WEDDING! Which meant, more cake, more food, more dancing, and even more FUN! 

Jay and mal spent the rest of their lives together, never once, letting go of the other. 

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