Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen.

WARNING: stuff happens in this chapter that i'm not proud of writing...heh...

Dear Mr. Diary, 

Shhhh!!! Right now I'm in an epic game of hide-and-seek with Ezekiel, Jamie, Lannie, Callie, and Trevor. 

That's right the notorious Trevor. But you see Trev got over me and is now really nice. He and Ezekiel even made up this morning! It was a fun time. Heh. 

I'm excited because today we're going swimming! I've been swimming once I think...WE'RE AT THE LAKE! What is wrong with us....I'm not going to answer that. 

Anyway I looked at what I was supposed to do today and it simply said, "Have fun". I guess this like a break or something. You better believe I can have fun while having such a hot boyfriend. Lots of fun…. 

Someone is getting to second base today! And no Lannies are allowed to ruin that. That's right I don't care that it's only been like two days that Ezekiel and I have been together. IM A TEENAGE GUY AND I HAVE NEEDS!

Don't judge me Mr. Diary. 

...someone is coming. PEACE OUT!

Love, Love 

I scoot closer to the back of the closet. I can hear footsteps from outside and to worsen the suspense I see a shadow. 

"Logan please come out of the closet for me!" Ezekiel jeers.

How the hell does he even know it's me in here?! 

I hear the doorknob slowly twist open and the ray of sunlight runs across my face. I close my eyes hoping Ezekiel won't see me behind the large coat wrapped around my body. A second later Ezekiel steps in the closet closing the door behind him.

"Logan~" he whispers softly sitting down next to me. "What do you say about playing seven minutes in heaven while we're at it." 

A blush spreads across my face and I glance over at my smirking boyfriend. "Don't you have people to seek?" I squeak.

I take it back! I don't want him getting to second base! 

Okay I do! 

I'm lying...

No I'm not! 






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