Chapter Seven

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Day seven, June, 6th

So I've spent most of the day in bed. I pretended to be sick so I wouldn't have to go and take to Jamie. Oh that's right, I didn't say what happened...

Okay so yesterday Jamie said he had a dream about me. I got really excited about it so I told him to tell me about it. Well he wouldn't. It wasn't until lunch that he finally gave in a little.

He said I was annoying.

If it wasn't for Lannie, Ezekiel, and Callie I would have burst into tears right then.

God why do I have to like him? If I would have been before all of this I wouldn't have cared, but now it's like he stabbed me in the heart...I don't even know...

Why can't I like someone who'll like me back? Why did I pick the one person who will never like me the way I like them? I'm so stupid! But I guess you just can't help who you like...

I'm going to try to be normal, so Jamie won't hate me. It'll be hard but I'm up for it.

So I looked in the book and today I have to stay up for until the sun rises. So far so good. I don't think I was going to get any sleep anyways, so I'm happy that's what it says.

I can't thing else to put for today.  So I guess that's all folks.

Love, (depressed) Love

I don’t bother to hide my diary today.

Jamie is out doing something for my dad, I haven't spoken to him all day, heck I haven't spoken to anyone today. My mom was out buying more food, I was too upset to go with her, I ALWAYS go so I can sneak candy into the cart.

At least I know I'm not doing anything, annoying.

A sudden knock at the door makes me lose my blank thoughts. Who could that be?

As if the person had just read my mine they yell, "It's Ezekiel open up or I'm coming in."

I really don't feel like talking to anyone right now.

"I'm counting to five. If the door isn't open by then I'm breaking and entering." he pauses, "One. two. Three you better hurry Logan. Four, I'm about to do it, don't make me commit a crime! Five. That's it I'm coming in!" I hear the handle jiggle a little.

 Stupid boy he can't get in the door is locked.

I hear the door creak open. OH GOD HE GOT IN! A few footsteps later there's a smiling Ezekiel opening up my door. Great, just great.

"Have you been in bed all day?" he asks standing on Jamie's bunk so he can look at me.

Groaning I turn the other way and cover my head with a blue cozy blanket.

"Fine, don't answer me. I'll just have to come up there and force it out of ya." I hear him climb up the ladder and onto my bunk. He crawls over to the side I'm facing and lays down. Then he starts tugging at the warm covers. My grip on them tightens.

"Logan I can't see you. It's going to be very hard to talk to you like this."

"Go away!" I hiss.

Can't he tell I just want to be left alone?

"Nope, you're upset. I'm not leaving until you're the smiling cheerful Logan I'm used to. Now come on. Tell me what's up."

Sighing I pull the covers away and look him dead in the eye.

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