Chapter 36

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My heart felt like mirror that have been shattered mirror into a million pieces, crumbled like a piece of paper that's ready to be thrown away

I look up at Stranger, my eyes blurry from the tears flowing freely down my face, quickly looking down as i don't want them to look at me

While Thomas laughing at me "This is gold! Make sure you got it all on camera"

Chase, holding the camera just gave Thomas a thumbs up

"Now, Stranger. How about you show your identity to your Sweetheart?"

Stranger clenched his teeth "That's enough, Thomas"

"Oh, Come on! We haven't got to the best part yet"

I look up to look at Stranger, confused

"She doesn't know, huh?" Axel said

"Oh! The little Sweetheart didn't know?" Chase said teasingly

"Maybe you're wondering, Why do people like us know someone like Stranger. What if i told you that we go to the same school together and are friends with Stranger"

I stared at Stranger, shocked. Sending him a message through my brain, asking him if it was true

Then i stared at Thomas from the look of his face, that cocky smirk that i want to slap off his face, badly

"Don't believe me? Well, do you remember when we beat you up and you fainted? The one who made us stop hurting you was this guy" Thomas while gesturing to Stranger

I stared, eyes bulging out of their sockets

He was the one who saved me from Thomas and his friends?

"B-but, H-how?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper

Thomas smirked "He goes to school with us, Sweetheart"

But, i never saw Stranger hanging around with Thomas and his friends

"And Stranger said to us that he met someone in this meadow and he said was annoyed that someone found this meadow. Since, he can't get rid of her. He decided to play his role of the nice guy and become friends with her." Thomas said, while smirking at me

Stranger decided to be the good guy and just be friends with me?

Stranger clenched his teeth and balled his fists "That's enough, Thomas"

"But, i haven't got to the good part yet! May i continue?"

Axel and Chris smirked and gave Thomas a thumbs up

"Now, after becoming friends with her, he took her to all of these adventures together and he start to grow feelings for her" Thomas said

I look at Stranger, shocked

Stranger had feelings for me?

Stranger looked away from me and his ears started to redden

Thomas pointing at Stranger "He likes you, then he said to us that he couldn't do it anymore but, we matters into our own hands and beat you up. We said to him 'You stop this act than we will hurt her' and he continued his act"

"You went to disneyland together and even had a date together and now, it's her birthday and you gave her that stupid bracelet"

"To put it in a short way. Basically, he lied to you all time and your little 'friendship' with him is an act" Thomas said, while smirking

More tears started to fall down my face, i'm holding back the sob that wanted to escape my lips

"No! Sweetheart! Don't believe him!"

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