Chapter 15

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I walked to the meadow, to see stranger already there, tapping his foot impatiently "Where have you been?" crossing his arms over his chest

I raise my eyebrow at him "Why do you care?"

He let out a frustrated sigh "Because, I've been waiting here for 30 minutes"

"It's just 30 minutes"

"Easy for you to say, you're not the one waiting in this goddamn meadow! I could have been hanging out with my friends a little longer!"

I roll my eyes at him "Why did you came early then?"

"Because, I-I-I w-wa..." he looked down at the ground, not being able to finish his statement

Stranger stuttered, cute

"What is it?"

"I-i want t-to m-meet you early so we could h-hang out l-longer than usual" he rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed

I blushed "Oh"

Awkward silence filled the air, neither of us said a word and I'm pretty sure I look like a tomato right now but, thank god it was dark

Then, I realize something, stranger didn't wear the hood of his hoodie, his black hair was styled messy yet it looks good

I think anything will look good on stranger

I realize that the tip of stranger ears are red, he saw me looking at him and he quickly looked away

"Aw, you're embarrassed!" I said, the tip of stranger ears grew redder and redder

I walk over to him and pinch both of his cheeks "You're too cute!"

He sighed "You're really hurting my ego, sweetheart"

"I know but, when do you ever stutter and be embarrassed all in the same day"

He looked down at the ground, too embarrassed to say anything

"I think it's cute, you wanted to meet me early" I shrugged my shoulders

He looked at him, his blue shine under the dark night sky, I stared into his blue eyes, his eyes glint with embarrassment yet sincerely, he was genuinely wanted me to come early so, we both could hang out longer

I walk over to him and grabbed his hand "Come on! Don't be soo quite!"

"A week ago, you said my voice is annoying" he grumble

"Don't be soo grumpy, stranger"

He huffed and sat down, I sat down next to him, I grabbed my backpack and pulled out the snacks that Jordan left behind, opening the packet of oreos, I offered some to him

He raise an eyebrow at me "What?"

"Want some?"

He chuckled "No need to ask, sweetheart"

He took the oreos out of my hand, when he was about to eat it, he turned to look at me "Don't look at me"


He rolls his eyes at me "Because, you'll faint when you look at my handsome face"

I snort at his statement "Yeah, right"

He turn around so, his back was facing me, I heard him munching on the oreos silently "That's my oreos, you know!"

His head turn to me, he hugged the oreos close to his chest, slowly caressing the packaging "Precious" he said as he looks at the oreos

Note to self  always be on time when coming to the meadow, stranger might go insane

"Hey, why are you not wearing your hood?" I pointed out

Stranger patted his head, realising that his hood wasn't on, when he was about to put his hood on, I jumped onto his back "No!"

He stood up from the ground, trying to peel me off his back "What is wrong with you, woman?! I'm trying to put my hood on!"

I clung onto his back tighter "No! Don't put your hood on!"

He keeps struggling to get me off his back "And why not?!"

"Because, I like it better when you don't wear the hood" I whisper to him

He stops moving while I was still clung to his back "What?" he whisper back

"I like it better when you don't wear the hood"

"Why? Because you get to see my amazing hair" he turned his head to face him, his blue eyes glint with amusement

I roll my eyes at him "Cocky much, stranger?"

He chuckled "For you? Always"


Hi guys! I'm back!  *the dramatic entrance*

My exams are finally over! *fist pumps the air*

And my break has begun! Of course a chapter for you guys! Thank you for being patient and waiting for my update

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Talk to you guys later! Bye! -K

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