Chapter 26

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    First, i want to apoligize for not updating last week cuz i had my mid term exam and i really need to focus on that. So enjoy this chapter!

Me : Jordie, can you do me a favor?

Jorbutt : Depends on what kind of favor

Me : I want to go somewhere with the guy i met at the meadow

Jorbutt : What?! Are you crazy?!

Me : Maybe i am

Joebutt : No

Me : Come on jordie! Please?

Jorbutt : No

Me : Please with a cherry on top?

Jorbutt : *sigh* Fine, what do you want me to do?

Me : Tell my mom that i'll be having a sleepover at your house

Jorbutt : Will that work? What if your mom ask me to take a picture of us together?

Me : Remember the last time we had a sleep over? You have photos of us together,  just send that

Jorbutt : Ok, so i just call your mom saying that i want to have a sleep over with you at my house?

Me : Yup!

Jorbutt : *sigh* you're lucky to have such an amazing bestfriend like me

Me : Yes, now call my mom!

Jorbutt : K

I waited until i heard the sound of my mom's phone ringing, i walk towards my door and put my ear against the door, i heard my mom's muffled voice talking to jordan

Finally, i heard my mom end the call and start to walk upstairs, i quickly move away from the door and jump on my bed and start to play on my phone

My mom open the door "Sweetie?"


"Jordan wants you to have a sleepover at his house, it's been awhile since you both had a sleep over right?"

"Yeah, it's been awhile can i go?"

"Of course, you can sweetie, go pack your bags"

I gave my mom a nod and start to pack my bag, i pack my phone, earphones, a pack of doritos, sweater in case i get cold, polaroid and a pocket knife

I zip my backpack, slung it over my shoulder and went downstairs, reaching the bottom of the stairs to find my mom texting on her phone, i clear my throat

She looks at me "Let's go sweetie"

I nod my head at her

We both got out of the house and start to walk to jordan's house, their house isn't that far from our house, just a few blocks away

It's around 4 o'clock, so when i get to jordan's house, i wait for my mom to go then i can go to the meadow, stranger texted me earlier to come to the meadow early around 4 o'clock-ish

We arrived at jordan's house and my mom looks at me "Be a good girl, ok?"

"Ok, mom"

She gave me a kiss on the forehead and she start to walk away from me, she turn around and gave me a 'goodbye' wave and i wave back, smiling at her

I knock on the door and it open revealing my one and only best friend, he smile and hug me, i hug him back, he pull away from the hug

"So, you're really going somewhere with him?"

"Yeah, is your parents home?"

"No, they're gone for a business trip"

I fist pump the air

He chuckled "You're one lucky girl, now go!"

I nod my head at him and gave him one last hug before running through the streets until i saw stranger leaning againts his car, he looks up at me "Oh, you're finally here, let's go!" He said, opening the car door for me

"What a gentleman" i said, alidimg into the car door

He chuckles and went around the car to get in the driver's seat, he started the engine and we're off

"So, how long will it take us be there?"

"Maybe around 40 minutes"


"So, i prepare us some food" He said, grabbing a pizza box from the backseat and gave me the pizza box

I open the pizza box to see a pretty large peperoni pizza, i took a slice and gave that to him, i took a slice for me, we both did a pizza 'cheers' and eat our pizza

Basically the whole car ride was full of jokes, pretty horrible singing, making fun of each other and me, kind of taking a picture of stranger driving with my polaroid

"And we are here!"

I look over to the window to see a big sign that says 'disneyland' and i look at him in shock "Are you serious?"

He chuckles and nod

I open the car door and still in shock, i let out a squeal

I'm at disneyland! The happiest place on earth! People say

Stranger grab my hand "Come on!" and we start to walk to the ticket booth to buy our tickets, we bought our tickets and we got in to disneyland

Stranger tugged my arm "Let's to there first" He said, pointing at the disney store

We walk into the disneystore and decided to buys hats, i bought the minnie mouse ears and stranger bought mickie ears, i kinda force him to buy that and i took a picture of us together waering the hats on my polaroid

We decided that we're gonna go ride pirates of the caribbean first and when we got off the ride

"That was amazing!"

He chuckles "I know, have ever been to disneyland?"

I shook my head "This is my very first time to disneyland"

"I'm the first who took you to disneyland that sounds like an a achievement, let's on more rides!"

We went on the indiana jones ride, haunted mansion, space mountain and matterhorn bobsleds, sadly we couldn't go on anymore rides and it's already night time so, we decided to watch the night parade

We both sat down watch the night parade, let's just say i took alot of pictures of us with my polaroid and my phone, i just looking through the pictures

"Woman, you took alot of pictures"

"Hey, these are gonna be memories"

"But, you didn't have to take a million pictures of us"

Maybe, he got a tiny bit annoyed by me taking alot of pictures

I roll my eyes at him

We both sat in comfortable silence, watching the light parade

Why did stranger brought me here?



"Why did you bring me here?"

"Because, people say disneyland is the happiest place on earth and i want to bring the person who makes me the happiest and that's you"

And at that time the fireworks went off

He always give me the butterflies

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