Chapter Thirty-Four

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Song: Beautiful Boy by John Lennon 

Chapter Thirty-Four

"Alden J. Lyles," I mumble, staring into his beautiful, blue eyes.

"He's so precious," Clyde whispers, leaning over my shoulder to stare at our peaceful, smiling baby.

"I just want to hug him and protect him from the world," I mumble.

Alden's hand latches onto my thumb, and his eyes start drooping.

"I think he's tired," Clyde softly whispers, chuckling quietly.

"I do too," I laugh with him, while I try to fight my eyes from closing as well.

"You're tired too. Shit, you just went through labor. Let me hold him," Clyde whispers, being careful not to wake the baby.

"It's okay," I reply, with my eyelids halfway closed.

Before I know it, Clyde is taking Alden carefully out of my hands meticulously.

As I allow my eyes to slowly close, the last glimpse I have is of Clyde holding our baby boy and whispering sweet nothings into his ear.


I wake up with a jerk, hearing the sound of a newborn baby's cry.

"Shhh, it's okay," Clyde murmurs, trying to conceal the bawling.

"I think that he may be hungry," I say, wincing at the scratchiness of my voice.

"You've just fed him 45 minutes ago!" Clyde says, bringing Alden over to the hospital bed anyway.

"Newborns adore eating," I reply, giggling at the look of astonishment on Clyde's face.

"Do you think after you feed him, that we should let our family members in?" He asks, watching with amazement as Alden immediately latches onto my breast.

"Probably. I feel bad that we haven't yet."

"I'll go out the waiting room and come back with them in 10 minutes, okay?" He asks, leaning down to kiss both Alden and I's foreheads.

"Okay!" I reply, smiling and giving him a thumbs up.

After he leaves, I look down at the human being I created.

Being born at 6.5 lbs and at the length of 18 inches (45.7 centimeters), he was the perfect baby. His cute, fuzzy black hair that barely stuck out of his round, cushioned head. His red, big lips and the nose of Scarlett Johansson.

He's only cried twice, and he's smiled so many times.

He scrunches his nose when he does, which makes his toothless grin evermore cuter.

All too soon, I hear a small knock on my door. Clyde gives me enough time to distance my boob from Alden's greedy mouth and put it back in my shirt before he walks in, with our family on his tails.

"MOMMY!" Ian yells, running in.

"Ian, buddy, remember what I said? We have to use our inside voices," Clyde stops and nicely scolds him.

"Right. Sorry, daddy! Mommy!" He says again, this time quieter. He looks back at Clyde to make sure that he was using the right kind of indoor voice, and when Clyde confirmed it, Ian turns around and runs to my bedside.

"Is he my new brother?" Ian whispers, although his voice is no softer than it was a second ago.

"Yes, sweetie. This is Alden. Remember when you read him Green Eggs and ham when he was in my tummy?" I said, using my free hand to wipe a stray smear of chocolate that was on his cheek.

"Yeah! And he kicked my hand!" He said, his eyes lighting up.

"That's right," I chuckled. "When everyone leaves, you can hold him. I promise."

He nodded and walked to the sofa that was in the room, uninterested in anything but his Ipod.

"Sweetie, I am so proud of you!" My mom says, coming up to me and kissing my cheek before giving her attention to Alden.

"Isn't he just the cutest little boy you ever did see," She muttered, completely fascinated with him.

"Would you like to hold him?" I ask her, gently picking him up and offering him to her.

"Of course," she says, getting teary eyed.

With my arms free, Theo comes up and gives me a gigantic hug.

"Stila, baby. I am so unbelievably happy for you. Your life is falling together perfectly!" Theo says, wiping away tears that escaped his eyes with no shame.

"How's your relationship with Zackie?" I ask him.

His eyes cloud over and his face becomes a faraway expression. "Today isn't Theo day. It's Stila and Alden day. Let's not focus on me right now," he jokes. But I could see far more than his exterior.

"We'll talk about this tomorrow," I tell him, giving him a playful death glare and pointing my finger in his face.

"Deal. Now, I'd like to hold my grandbaby. Because you don't even have to ask, of course, I'd be honored to," he jokingly says, winking my way.

"You know me so well, my Theo bear," I laugh, pushing him away to deal with more congratulatory hugs and kisses from the rest of me and Clyde's important family members and friends.

At around 4:40 am, everyone finally left in a promise to come back again after they rested.

My mom took Ian and Clyde pulled out the sofa, laying the opposite way he should so that his head could be next to Alden's bed.

"Goodnight, my precious, amazing fiance. I am so proud to call you the love of my life," Clyde says, right before my eyes fully succeed into the depths of darkness. 



I'm not crying, you are.

This was the last "official" chapter. An Epilogue is coming your way, and if you're reading this after 11:59 pm on June 2nd, it should already be out.

A Sappy authors note will also follow, I'll save all the mushy gushy parts for that. 

xoxo, Cooler_Than_You_101

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