Chapter Thirty-Two

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Song: I'll Be Edwin Something

Chapter Thirty-Two

Week 34- The skin is less wrinkled because of the fat added underneath the skin. The baby starts turning into a head-down position for birth.


"HOLY CRAP," I cried out, sitting upright in bed at 2:30am.

"What? What is it? Are you going into labor? It's kind of early. Is that okay? Oh my gosh is our baby okay?" Clyde asks, jumping right out of bed and running to the closet.

"Nothing, babe. Really, nothing," I answer, slowly running my hand over my stomach.

"Then what the hell was that?" Clyde asked, stopping in his tracks and turning around, his mouth agape.

"The little demon just kicked really hard," I reply, glaring down at my stomach as if my skin was transparent and I could actually see Alden.

"Really?" He says, sounding disappointed and crawling back into bed.

"Don't look at me like that. You don't have a human being kicking at you from the inside," I snarkily replied, shutting off the light and laying back down.

"Would now be a good time to mention I'm taking you out tonight? Or tomorrow night? You know what I mean," he mumbled, wrapping his hand around my stomach.

"What? Who'll watch Ian?" I ask, surprised and flattered.

"I've already talked to Theo. Don't worry about it, sweetheart. It's taken care of," he muttered, sleep taking over his body and his arm going limp.

Sighing, I fell back to sleep as well.


"GOOD MORNING MOMMY!" I heard, before cracking an eye open and seeing Ian jumping on the bed giggling while Clyde rubbed his eyes.

"Good morning, mr.," I replied, my voice sound cracky.

"I'm ready for school! Let's go to school!" He excitedly shouted, pointing down to his mismatched clothes (including his socks).

"You want to wear that?" I asked him, giggling and pulling him down for a hug.

"Yes! I think I look very pretty," he said, somehow managing to stick out his chest and look proud.

"I think you look veery pretty, buddy," I laughed, tickling under his arms.

"Or do you look handsome?" Clyde jumped in, stealing Ian from my arms.

"Maybe both," his sweet voice said, his grin from ear-to-ear.

"Let me get cleaned up and then I'll make you breakfast. Deal?" I say, getting out of bed after many effortless tries.

"DEAL!" He sq reached from where he was perched on Clyde's lap, getting his feet tickled.


"So, where are we going?" I ask, feeling Clyde's sleek car go over potholes and dirt.

"It's a surprise! I wouldn't blindfold you if it wasn't!" He said.

We left Ian at home alone with Theo. It was my last day working for Craig Tele and I couldn't have been more pleased. Even after my maternity leave was over, I would not be going back. I'm better than spitting in someone's coffee and delivering it to him just so he could yell at me about tardiness.

After feeling countless more bumpy potholes, we finally arrived around 20 minutes after we left his apartment. At least it felt like 20 minutes.

I hear Clyde get out of the car and come around to my side, opening the door and taking my hand.

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