Chapter Seventeen, Part 2

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Chapter Seventeen, Part Two

Week 20- The baby can weigh 1 pound, and can be 10 inches long. The baby's nails grow to the ends of the fingers.


"....Do you remember seeing her drink water at all?" I heard before I heard the beeping.

Confused, I opened my eyes and saw the bright lights and the white ceiling of a hospital room.

"Stila? Are you awake?" I heard Clyde ask, before he entered my line of vision. His face was creased with worry, and his shirt was stained with gravy.

"Yeah," my voice croaked. "Why does your shirt have gravy on it? Go rinse it off before the gravy stains."

"Stila, it's fine. I have a lot of other shirts," He said, his worry lines fading a little.

"What happened?" I asked him, looking down at my arm and seeing an IV.

"You fainted. You didn't drink enough water today," He scolded me, glaring at me for a second before he sighed and kissed my forehead. "You had me worried sick. Do you have any idea how scary it is to see not only your girlfriend, but the mother of your baby, just fall to the floor?"

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking," I told him, using the arm that wasn't attached the IV to touch his face and feel his fine features, rubbing away the worry lines.

"From now on, I'm making sure you drink a glass of water each hour," he rambled, brushing away the hair that was on my face and kissing me on the nose.

"How long do I have to stay here?" I asked him, a frown appearing on my face.

"Well, I'm afraid that's undecided," a doctor said, coming into my line of vision. "I wouldn't say for more than a day."

"It's better than a week," I mumbled.

"You have to make sure to drink water from now on. You should drink a cup of water for every hour you are awake, the cup should be 150-180 mL. You seriously risked you and your baby's health today, Ms.Brooks," The doctor said.

"You got it, doctor. This won't happen again," I replied.

"Good. There are some friends and family that want to see you, should I let them in?" He asked, a smile forming on his face.

"Please do. Thank you!"

My family all walked in, each giving me a hard glare and then the glare turned into smiles and gratefulness. When my mom walked in, she rushed to my bed and pinched my nose while giving me the coldest, iciest look saved for when one of her children got into a lot of trouble. She continued on with the look for 30 seconds, before bursting into tears and hugging me.

"You never do that again! I only want to see you in this bed for when you're having my precious grandson, do you hear me?!" She said,

"Yes, mom," I said, saying sorry to everyone and enjoying the last hours of thanksgiving.

After visiting hours were up and everyone but Clyde left, we cuddled on the small hospital bed and talked about nothing into the wee hours of the morning. 


Chapter Seventeen, Part 2, Is done!

Double Update, you're welcome :)

Song: How To Save a Life by The Fray

XOXO, Cooler_Than_You_101

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