Chapter 28 : Pain

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I kicked the stone with a little strength and saw it roll down far away. A deep sigh escaped my mouth as I clutched my backpack tightly. Fall was knocking the doors of America and the trees had started to shed their leaves. It all had beauty yet it failed to excite me.

My cell phone decided to break my alone moment and the lyrics of Blow Me One Last Kiss by nk filled my ears. 'Trouble' - the dialer showed. With another sigh, I picked up the call.

"Yes Gabby?" I greeted my friend with a lack of enthusiasm.

"Why did you leave me alone?" she shouted. She was talking about why I left her alone in the school twenty minutes ago. I did not feel like driving so I took a lift from my Dad in the morning and now I was walking back home alone.

"Sorry," I muttered.

"I don't have a ride," she whined.

"Ask Evan or Chase. They will drop you," I advised her.

"Chase already left with Jenny. And Evan wanted to check upon Trystan.." my heartbeat stopped for a moment as I heard his name, " it will be mean of me to ask him to drive me home."

"Just ask him, Gabby," I said and cut the call before she could reply.

It's been two days since Trystan left me in the middle of the restaurant. He has not been in school today and nobody had a clue where he was - not even Chase and Evan. The boys were worried sick. Chase was quiet all day and Evan was a reckless mess.

I cried - maybe once or twice. Not because he ditched me as my ride that day or because he was missing since two days. I cried because I feared loss. I feared he will leave me. And I was not ready to let him go.

"Ow!" I hissed in pain as a thorn stuck my leg. Bending down, I tried to remove it. Once it was out, I looked at my surrounding. I was definitely not near my house. But the place was familiar - as if I've been here before.

With a frown, I walked ahead. And as I passed more and more trees, I started recognizing the place.

"Tree house," I muttered and ran towards it's way. And when I saw Cady parked near it, a smile appeared on my face for the first time since morning.

With all the energy left in me, I climbed the tree house. There, lying on the floor with his eyes closed, was the guy who I have started to rethink my equation with.

"YOU ARAGOG," I yelled and pranced on him, "WHERE, ON EARTH, WERE YOU SINCE TWO DAYS?"

Trystan squeaked at the sudden impact of my body on him. Once he realized it was me, he rubbed his eyes and stood up.

"Sunshine?" he gave me a confused look, as if he was not expecting me to be there.

"Don't call me that," I yelled and slapped him hard. He looked at me with shock, his hand on the spot where I slapped him.

"Two days, Trystan!" I grabbed a handful of his shirt and started shaking him, "You have been missing for two days. Nobody knew where you were and all you were doing was sleeping peacefully in this stupid tree house."

"Don't talk rubbish when you don't know the real reason, Samantha," he pushed my hands away from his shirt.

"Then tell me the real reason," I said through gritted teeth, trying to control my anger, "Oh wait? Is there even a reason or you were just being a girl on her periods? Sometimes I think you just enjoy being a prick and annoying the life out of people becau-"

"MY MOM TRIED TO KILL A PATIENT, SAMANTHA," he yelled so loud that for a minute I thought I would become deaf. Nevertheless, it stopped my blabbering.

"W-what?" I asked, my voice coming out as a whisper.

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