4. Tension

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"Get low, get low Zola." Justin informs her to dunk down as we pass the police car around the corner. Six people in Justin's used, black Sedan was a tight fit, but we made it work. I sat up front in the passenger's seat, Marrisa in the backseat behind me, Rashad was in the middle, Sasha on the other side, and Zola sat on Marrisa's lap. We pass the police car, and Zola gets up with a giggle. We return to our conversation about the recent school events, everyone laughs and talks as we ride with the windows down...well, everyone but Sasha. She sat in that back seat the whole time with her mouth twisted in a big scowl, her brows scrunched, and her body language read nothing but attitude. She was mad at the world, at me, with her friends and brother, and probably Justin even though he didn't do anything but a ride and cordial hello.

I noticed from the interactions with her friends and brother that they ignored her when she acted like this. I'm grateful because she would have seriously killed the vibe otherwise. Sasha Campbell had to be the most uptight teenager that I've ever met. Before going to Marri's house, we stop at the convenience store around the corner to get snacks...everyone got out of the car but Sasha. I quickly pick up a couple of packs of fruity lifesavers and head back to the car. It's too hot so stand outside, so I savor the car's AC and take my chances at being alone with Sasha.

I glance back at her as I get in and she doesn't move or make a sound. It was the first time that I'd ever been this close to her. Though Marrisa and I had been friends for years my contact with her up until this point had been limited. Her presence wasn't big like Zola's or made you feel welcomed like Marrisa's; it was just stifling.

"Want one?" I ask not because I am playing nice, but it's because it was how I was brought up. She looks up at me with those deep dark eyes and her scowl returns.

She then says "Does it look like I want anything from you?"

I start to cuss her out and say some shit that would hurt her feelings and to think that I almost felt sorry for her this morning.

"What?" she asks when she notices I'm still turned around glaring at her. I didn't know what I wanted; I was just pissed off at her unnecessary attitude.

"I was trying to be friendly." I muster, a lump formed in my throat with all the negative words that I wanted to say.

"Don't bother. You and Marrisa have been friends for years, and we have managed to say only about two words to each other. We're sixteen now, so there's no need to start."

"You're such a fucking bitch." I say harshly before I can even stop it.

She takes off her glasses and stares at me hard with large dark, brown eyes. "I've heard that shit all my life, so I'm going to need to hear something new to be offended." she says it cool and calmly. I'm convinced that there is a demon trapped in there somewhere.

I glance at the driver's side window and see the rest of them coming so I turn around. "Damn weirdo." I mumble to myself.

"Thank you." She chirps out gleefully as the crew climbs back in.


From the Batista's house, the walk to our apartment was only a few minutes away, but instead of walking home like we agreed on, Rashad wanted to hang out a little longer. Instead of being the little brother shunned by his older sister's friends, he fit right in while I was the one left out. I sat at the dining room table doing my homework with Marrisa's ten-year-old sister, Mysha, while the others sat in the living room watching Martin and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air reruns. When Marrisa was halfway done with Leon's hair, she took a little break to check on me.

"Move big head, let me talk to Sash." Marrisa shoos her sister and Mysha looks at her in disgust.

"Why I gotta move?" she whines. "It's bad enough that Mommy won't let me sit with ya'll." She folds her arms defiantly and locks eyes with Marrisa to challenge her.

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