1. Start

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[Sasha Campbell]

               Bleep! Bleep! Bleep! My alarm was signaling for me to get up but I wanted five more minutes in my cozy bed. My head was tucked under my covers as I listened to it blare then I felt a thud against my head.

"Turn that damn thing off!" Saniya yelled and threw another pillow at my head. "Sasha, do you hear me?"

I sucked my teeth and threw the covers from my head before slamming down on my digital alarm clock that read 5:45.

"Rude ass." My nineteen-year-old sister mumbled as I climbed out of the bed. I would be so glad when she moved out for good so I could have this room all to myself. I could count on my fingers the number of times I had my own room and they were all short lived because Saniya was always moving in and out and my younger brother, Rashad, always got his own room. I grabbed my outfit that was already laid out and ironed and poked my head out my bedroom door; there was no sign of Rashad and I could hear my Daddy's snoring through his closed bedroom door so I hustled to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror after I was done getting dressed and stared at my limp, freshly permed hair and my round eyes that looked even bigger behind my glasses. I frowned at how much my hair had broken off since my mom died. There's no need in making yourself all sad now. Before, I got too down I burst out of the bathroom and started beating on Rashad's door.

"Get up, 'Shad. It's time for school." I heard him grumble on the other side of the door. "Get up, I say, don't make me come in there." I walked off to put me some toast in the toaster and looked at the clock that read 6:20. I quickly slapped butter on my toast before heading back to my brother's room, this time walking in.

"Rise and shine baby brother." I said cheerily as I let the light of the sunrise flood into his room.

"Get the hell out." He squirmed deeper under his covers.

"We're going to be late for school."

"I don't care." He tossed the covers off of him and he tried to mean mug but all I saw was the cute pouty face that he used to make when he was a baby.

"Well you're going to school even if I have to drag your ass out." He squinted his cinnamon colored eyes at me before turning over. "What would mama say? You know she would want you to finish school—"

"Fine, I'm getting up." He cut me off before I could get too deep into my rant. I stood in his room until he got up and went to the bathroom. When I was satisfied I grabbed my bookbag out of my room and ate my toast while I waited for my brother to come out.

[Leon Bradfort]

I practically jumped out of my skin when the alarm on my cell phone began to go off. I was having a great dream that my team went to playoffs and I had the finest senior girl in school on my arm, Sydni Lawson. I fumbled with my new cell before figuring out how to cut it off and by that time I was wide awake. I looked in my dresser mirror and had a bad case of the frizzes because I had forgotten to tie my hair down last night. My Aunt Tiana was going to have to redo them tonight because I could not walk around looking like this all week.

I brushed my teeth and showered before putting on my outfit for today, loose fitting jeans, a designer t-shirt, and my brand new pair of Jordans that I just gotten yesterday. I sprayed on my cologne, brushed down my hair, and put my stud in my pierced ear then I stood in my full length mirror.

"I look good." I said conceitedly. I was easily one of the most popular and good-looking brothas at my school or so I had been told by numerous females who admired my long curly hair and hazel eyes. After looking at myself for a long while, I adjusted the picture of my mother that was cornered in the frame of the mirror. "Te extraño mama." I gave her the usual 'I miss you' in Spanish. After that I grabbed my bookbag and headed to the front room.

My aunt was in there stuffing her face with a breakfast burrito as she stood directly in front of the TV, watching the morning news. She didn't have to turn around to feel my presence in the room.

"Boy, I done told you about that stinky ass cologne." She snapped around as the big boobed weather girl was giving the forecast.

"I smell good, I don't know what you're talking about. My girls love it too." I chuckle.

"Your little chicken chest tail don't have any girls." She rolled her warm brown eyes. I didn't even try to argue with her. She still saw me as this little boy but contrary to her belief I did have girls lined up, waiting to get with me. "There's a burrito in there for you too."

"Um, I'll take it with me." I frowned when I turned to go into the kitchen. My aunt wasn't much of a cook. As a matter of fact, I was a better cook at eight than she was at twenty which was when she took me in. I wrapped the food up in a paper towel, deciding to take it to Justin, my best friend and current ride. He loved my aunt's cooking, though I just think it's because he still has a thing for her. I heard the car honk signaling for me to come outside.

"Have a good day at work." I kissed my aunt's cheek as I adjusted my bag on my back. Judging by the faded blue scrubs, today was one of those days that she just wasn't feeling it.

"You have a good day too nephew."

When I was almost out of the door, I turned on my heels remembering what I had forgotten to ask her. "Hey would you be able to re-braid my hair tonight?" I gave her the puppy dog eyes that always got her.

"Dude, I work until seven tonight, don't nobody have time to keep doing that thick mess on your head because you won't take care of it..." She was still fussing but I zoned out.

"So does that mean yes or no?"

"Maybe." She shook her head.

"Alright see you later." I smiled because maybe meant a yes in her book.

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