chapter eighteen

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"Zayn! Zayn! stop!" I scream from the top of my lungs as Niall holds me back and i keep trying to fight against him. "Don't do this!"

"Lacey i swear to God one more word and you're next." Zayn growls at me.

"Harry please!!" Tears stream down my face as i plead with them but nothing works, they aren't even phased by my calls.

"Niall let me go!!" I keep trying to pry his hands off of me but i'm too weak.

"Harry shut her up!" Zayn yells.

Harry then walks over to putting his hand on my cheek. "sh babygirl, it'll be okay, just relax."

I keep squirming and eventually Niall lets go but i'm caught in Harry's arms now. I look up at him and softly choke out "please...Harry please..." I shake my head but two gun shots go off and I fall into his chest.

I let out sob after sob and then finally peak over his shoulder to see both Sophia's and Perrie's lifeless bodies just a couple feet away from me.

With everything I had in me and shove Harrys chest sending him away from me "how could you!?" I scream.

I keep approaching Harry and shoving him farther and farther and punch his chest and screaming. Liam tries to pull me away but Harry lets me go at it.

"you fucking bustards! how dare you!" i cry.

"Lacey.." harry tries to grab my hand but i quickly pull away.

"don't fucking touch me" i grit.

"they were going to turn us in!" Harry yells.

"you killed them!" i scream. "murdered! because you didn't want to face the consequences of your actions!'re a coward." i spit. "all of you."

Zayn then pins me against the wall and i let out a loud whimper. "say that again darling" he puts the gun to my side. "i dare you."

i stand there looking him in the eyes, darkness in his, fear in mine as my breathing fails to control itself.

Zayn smirks "seems like you're the coward."

I spit in his face "Go to hell."

He is quick to moving the gun to my forehead and putting his finger on the trigger.

Harry yells "Zayn!" and his attention is turned toward him. "back away."

Zayn shoots me a death glare then removes the gun from my head and moves back slowly.

"Liam take Lacey to the car." Harry says.

"I'm not leaving." I state.

"you just have to make everything so difficult don't you?" Harry walks over to me. "get in the fucking car or you will regret it." he whispers in my ear.

A shiver is sent down my spine but i follow Liam to the car outside of Zayns house.

I quickly get into the passenger seat and lock the car doors right as Liam tries to open the driver side.

"Lacey open the door." He sighs.

"Bring them back." I say.

"You know I can't do that" Liam shakes his head.

"Then I guess we both won't be getting what we want today." I spit.

"Lacey..." Liam starts to bang on the car door window as I ignore his pathetic attempts to get through to me.

"Lacey if they did this to Perrie and Sophia who's to say they won't do the same to you?" Liam asks.

"Because Liam I believe and it may be silly of me but somewhere deep down Harry cares about me." I look over to him.

"Do you not think I cared about Sophia?" He said almost as if he was hurt.

I raise my eyebrow at him and slowly unlock the door. Liam gets in the drivers side and sighs.

"I cared for Sophia Lace. I loved her, she's the one thing that kept me somewhat sane and on the right track, and I know for a fact Zayn loved Perrie too, they just could never love us back the same way. I'm sure they wanted the best for us but it wasn't enough." I can sense this is hard for Liam to talk about but it's probably good for him. "What happened today hurt me, in ways I never thought possible, i attached myself to her and I had to make the decision to take her life. I am going to live with that guilt and pain for the rest of my life. It'll haunt me everyday and every night until I find a way to cope with, which may never happen. How do you cope with killing the one you loved most? and how do you cope with knowing that the one you loved most betrayed you and could never loved you back?"

Half way through his little heart to heart a tear slide down his cheek which he quickly wiped away once Harry interrupted by kicking Liam out of the drivers side. Liam got into the back and the whole ride home was silent, I felt a little awkward tension between me and Liam and I could sense Harry could feel it to but he thankfully never brought it up.

Once Liam was dropped off at home Harry finally decided to speak.

"Lacey I'm trying very hard to remain calm here but if you pull anything like they did I swear to God you're next."

"Harry I'd never betray you like that..." I shake my head. After hearing what Liam said made me think, yes harry is probably the worst possible thing for me but I believe there is hope for him and I honestly don't think he can take anymore pain. He may not show his emotions but he is like this because his parents died and he's acting out.

"Then what was that stunt you pulled a couple months ago by trying to leave?" He questions.

"Harry I... that was different it's just-"

"It's nothing Lacey. You will try to get out any chance you get so consider this as an example, a warning, a threat, I don't care just don't step out of line." He grits.

I swallow hard and nod, it maybe just be empty threats but I know what Harry is capable of and I'd rather not have him follow through with any of them.


sorry for the super long wait but here is another chapter !!


I promise i will finish this book because i have lots of stuff planned ;) stay tuned.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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