Chapter four

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Lacey's POV

I wake up and look to my right and see a peaceful sleeping Harry, his arms holding me tightly at my waist. I turn around trying not to wake him. I stare at his face as he softly snores. He looks so peaceful and happy. His curls fall against his forehead as I scan my eyes down his arms scanning his tattoos. I lightly trace a couple of them as Harry stirs in his sleep. I watch his green eyes at look at me.

"Morning" his raspy voice says.

"Good morning" I mumble.

Harry's kisses my forehead.

"Sleep well?" He asks.

I simply just nod. I want to keep our talking to a minimum.

"Use your words." Harry groans.

I know I'm pissing him off, I guess you could say it's my own fault I get beaten but i will not put up with his shit. I jut hope one day he'll realize what he's doing is slowly killing me.

Harry sighs "so stubborn." and he gets up off the bed.

I bite my lip and watch him.

"I have to go... Eleanor is coming over later so you guys can go shopping by the way" he says getting changed.

"Oh so now I can leave the house" I mumble.

"Heard that." Harry glares at me.

"You were suppose to." I spit and get up from the bed and walk downstairs getting breakfast ready before Harry says anything back to me.

Harry comes down and I set a plate of waffles in front of him and sit beside him with mine. We eat silently until he breaks it.

"Did you end up getting your birth control?" He asks.

I simply nod my head not wanting to tell him the situation about Sam.

Harry gets up, pecks my lips and leaves for work.

He never really told me what he does and whenever I asked he would just say, it's not your problem. It puts a roof over your head and that's all that matters.

He got the job a little while after his parents died. To start paying for the bills and the house. Because Harry insisted on staying at his parents house. I don't blame him though it means something to him. It's where he grew up. Kinda meant something to me too I stayed here all day for 2 years since I never went back to school. I was 16 and I didn't need to go back. I never really liked it anyways. I was the outcast. I wasn't bullied but I didn't have friends either. I labeled a misfit, I was different and they didn't like different, I just stayed to myself not really socializing with anyone. Sam would push me to get involved but it never worked. Sam was the popular football player and I was his weird adopted sister.

I sit and wait from Eleanor because we are suppose to go to the mall. Harry planned this though, like wtf are you my dad setting up play dates? I hear a knock at the door and open it to see Eleanor.

"Hey" I smile and grab my purse.

"Ready?" She asks.

I nod and we walk to her car getting in and driving.

"So how are things?" Eleanor asks.

I shrug. "Good. I guess..." I sigh. "I dont know.. Horrible. Harry hasn't gotten any better and i dont know what do to."

Eleanor sighs "lace give him time."

"I need to leave him..." I mumble.

"Lacey you can't. You're all he has left. He loves you and i know you love him."

I sigh knowing she's right I just don't know what to do.

"But be careful Lacey, i know what Harry is capable of he can do a lot more damage then what he's already done." El explains.

He can get worse? Is that even possible and how does Eleanor know this? I push the thoughts aside once we pull up to the mall.

We walk inside and Eleanor pulls me into different stores. We shop for a couple hours el picking up a bunch of stuff along with me picking up a bunch of stuff. Right now we are sitting in Starbucks to take a little break.

"So how are things with Louis?" I ask.

"Good" she shrugs. "He's been keeping things from me, I talked to Perrie, zayn is the same. Something's going on but I wouldn't get involved."

"I stopped asking Harry things a long time ago." I sigh.

Eleanor nods.

"Did Louis leave this weekend?" I ask. Louis was with Harry once he got home maybe they were together all weekend.

"Yeah why?" She asks.

"Where was he?" I ask.

"With Harry... They were fixing his parents car." She says. "You didn't know?"

I shake my head. Why wouldn't he tell me? Can that car even be fixed? After that accident I thought the car would be sold for scrape metal.

I'm sitting on the couch watching tv waiting for Harry to get home, dinners in the oven and the table is set.

Harry walks into the house "Hey" he says dryly.

"Dinners in the oven it'll be ready soon."


So showed a some what nicer side of Harry so I hope you enjoyed!

Who do you like better?

Abusive Harry or nice Harry?

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