Chapter five

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Zayns in this chapter, i know zouis died but remember brothers fight.


"Perrie can't we eat the bought cake. I don't wanna burn Harry's house down." I groan.

"You're boring." She glares at me.

"Fine but your cleaning up the mess." I say.

"Deal." Perrier smiles.


"This tastes awful" perrie laughs as she eats her slice of cake.

I smile "you made it." I bite into my piece then spit it out into a napkin.

Perrie laughs at me.

"For your birthday I'm getting you a cook book" I groan.

"What time do you think the boys will be home?" Perrie asks.

I shrug. I didn't know where they were going and i dont know if Zayn told Perrie, but Harry told me to stay out of his business and when I asked Perrie she would just change the subject. I'm not surprised though I'm used to being in the dark about everything.
All I knew was the Harry and Zayn are out doing something.


Perrie and I are just on the couch flipping through channels. Nothing is on at 1am on a Thursday night. Perrie finally finds something to watch then just minutes later a loud bang is heard at the front door. I jump in my seat and so does Perrie. We stand up as Harry stumbles into the room followed by Zayn.

"Where the hell were you all night?!" I basically yell.

"None of your damn business." Harry growls moving closer to me.

I can tell he's been drinking, he reeks of alcohol and his pupils are darker then normal.

I roll my eyes and look at Zayn. "Where were you guys?"

Right before I get an answer pain shoots through my body as I'm pinned against the wall.

"What did I say?" Harry says through his gritted teeth.

"Harry let her go!" I hear Perrie scream from the other side of the room.

"Perrie stay out of this." I hear Zayn say.

My eyes shut as Harry grip on my wrists tighten.

"Harry, mate let her go." Zayn says Sternly.

"Take your own advice Zayn and stay out of this." He growls. "This bitch needs to know how to mind her own business." I can feel Harry's breath over me, his height giving him the Advantage so he towers over me.

I whimper as I feel him put more pressure on my body. I just want to shrink down into a spect or have the wall suck me up right here right now.

"You'd think after all those bruises and scars you'd learn your lesson. But no." Harry whispers in my ear.

Harry then swiftly grabs my forearm applying a lot of pressure to it.

"Harry!" I scream, tears threatening to fall.

"Harry get off her!" I hear Perrie yell, I feel Harry's weight shift then a thump and him pressing back on me harder.

I open my eyes slightly and see Perrie on the floor and Zayn helping her up. I guess she tried getting him off me then he pushed her.

"Harry please!" I cry out.

"Harry let go!" Zayn booms.

"Stop!" I yell as my body is brought off the wall then slammed right back against it.

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