26. Zach got expelled

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What the heck just happened?! He still loves me?! I shouldn't love him if I have a boyfriend though. I think about it for awhile. Zach was only a distraction. I somewhat used him to help me get over Jacob. I'm a horrible person. I stand up and feel tired and dizzy.

I drag myself back to my dorm, rubbing my tired eyes along the way.

I end the night laying on my back in bed, and thinking about what I should do, and what I need to do, and I think about all of the regrets I have. All of the passion I have for Jacob, and how I'm most likely a terrible, horrible, human being. I should not love Jacob, I like Zach. No Rowan, you barley even like Zach. What, where did that thought come from?! It's okay to still be in love with Jacob.who said that?! I conclude that I just need some sleep, so I allow my eyes to shut, and before you know it, I'm drifting off to sleep.

When my alarm goes off I'm not annoyed since it's not the usual beeping sound. Last night I had changed it to setting the world on fire, a song that I now love...for no particular reason.

I sit up in bed and grab my phone. I notice that I had received a text from Abby, you are off today. Have fun with your free day!

Well that's exciting, although I wish I could have said good bye to all the kids, eh I'll stop by later and say bye.

I send Molly, Mackenzie, Lexi, and Marlee all a text asking if they want to meet up around noon and go to the beach. They respond within seconds. It looks like we're going to the beach today!

Well it's only 6:30, I still have a while. I all of a sudden really want to read. I love to read outside, so that's what I'll do.

It's still a bit chilly outside so I throw on a hoodie to match my athletic shorts. For shoes I wear blue fuzzy socks with my Jesus Sandles. I then but my hair into a somewhat good messy bun. Yeah, I know, I look hot(note the sarcasm). I grab the book that I'm currently reading and head down to the waterfall.

Once I'm at the waterfall I sit down on the big rock that Jacob was sitting on last night. I look down at the water below me. I blame you, you dumb waterfall.

I open my book and enter the world of the selection.

I have been reading for about 20 minutes when I hear the vines being pulled back. I turn to look, and there in front of me is Jacob.

He seems kind of shocked to see me here,"oh I'm sorry, I'll leave.."

"No", I say. "You can stay."

I put my book down and pat the spot next to me, motioning him to come sit down. He smiles and does as I ask, sitting down on the rock.

It's quiet for a minute but I don't mind. I sit there, starting out into the sky in front of me, breathing in the familiar smell of Jacob's cologne.

"Do you come here a lot Rowan?"he asks me.

"You can still call me Ro, and yeah, I've been coming to the waterfall quite a lot."

He nods,"why?"

"Why have I been coming to the waterfall", I ask him, my heart racing a bit, considering how close we are sitting. What would Zach say about this?

"Yeah", Jacob replies.

"Well for one, its beautiful", I say calmly."and two, it reminds me of happy memories. And third..." what did I even go there?! "A-and third it's our spot."

He nods,"Ro I never meant to kiss Lexi. The first time was because kyle was making a stupid movie. I didn't want to be in the movie, considering I knew what was going to happen, and this was the summer after you had left..." he continues to explain everything that I already know, and I let him. I think it will feel good for him to let all this out because I can tell that it's really been bothering him. Even after I hurt him, he can only think about me, and how he wants my forgiveness.

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