21.You ready for camp?

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Summer 17

I finish stuffing a sweatshirt into my duffle bag and stand back to admire my work. My bag is so full of clothes, that I bet you can't even fit another pair of socks in there.

I pick up my luggage, and almost fall over in the process. Clothes are a lot heavier than you would think.

I head downstairs and find Zach in the kitchen, munching on gold fish. "You ready for camp?" I ask him.

I decided to go back to camp this year, not only to talk to my friends, but also because I just miss being there. Anyways, after I announced that I'm going to camp, I asked Zach and Mason Taylor if the wanted to come too. Mason Taylor had her annual family vacation, but Zach said that he would love to. So here we are, at my house at 8:00 in the morning, about to drive to camp.(we decided to drive instead of taking the bus. It's not only faster, but quieter, and more fun since we get to blast music.)

"What", he asks me looking up from his bag of gold fish. He can clearly been zoned out.

I chuckle,"I asked you if you're ready for camp." Zach has been acting a little off, but whenever I ask him about it he says he's just tired or stuff like that. I believe him though, he has had a bunch of football games since he's on this weird scheduled football team that plays in the summer. Playing football in the summer, in Georgia, does not sound like something something I would enjoy, but Zach loves it.

Zach grabs the gold fish and stands up,"yep. Are you ready?" He asks me the last part carefully. Although it was just a silly question, I know it has more meaning than that.

Am I ready? Am I ready to face not only my so called friends, but my ex-boyfriend? Will I be able to see him without hurting? Will walking down the path to the canoes feel the same without his hand in mine and my white converse on my feet(my dog chewed those up the other month so I no longer have them. I legit cried for a half hour)? Yes, I am. I am ready. I hope.

"Yep." I look him in the eyes to prove that I'm somewhat prepared. He nods and heads over to the fridge to grab an apple juice.

"Here", he hands me the juice and I gratefully take it. We walk into the living room with our bags and snacks."Mace, we're leaving",Zach calls out.

Mason Taylor jumps up from the couch and runs over to us. She gives each of us a quick hug. "I'm going to miss you guys."

I smile,"we'll miss you too Mace." I put an arm around Zach and he does the same to me. We walk over to the front door and Mason Taylor follows.

"You guys are cute. Have fun, be safe, and... don't die", she says opening the door for us.

We chuckle."Thanks, same to you. Take pictures of the Bahamas for me."

She nods,"I will. Take pictures of the river for me, or the forest. Or even the cabins. You know what, as long as I get pictures, I'll be happy."

I smile,"I'll send you a picture of the super cool waterfall that's up there." My smile fades as I realize what had just come out of my mouth. That was our spot. Does he bring her up there now?

"I look forward to it. Now hurry, before those gold fish expire."

We smile but she shakes her head,"I'm not kidding they expire next week, be careful."

We laugh and wave as we walk out the door. I hear the hard wooden door close behind us as we walk towards my car.

"Who's driving", I ask.

"I guess I can", Zach replies.

I honestly kind of wanted to drive, but I let it slide,"works for me." I toss him the keys and we get into the car.

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