57. A Bad Feeling

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"The day when I'll be exorcised was near. I spent the night with her, by her side, trying my best to control my curse.

After loitering the backyard for many hours in morning, I found the amulet. Claire needed that with her when the exorcism happens as it'll help me leave her easily.

It was time for farewell. I couldn't confess to Claire about my feelings or anything for that matter. I met Rebecca who was acting like Juliet. Neither of us could tell anything about the other one. But she was cunning. She'd twisted my lie about being Will and convinced Claire out of exorcism.

Claire again forgot her amulet after she found out her mother's body. I took it just in case. But it was too late. I was losing it. Kasie saw me and I'd have to kill her too if my curse didn't break. But it did, the moment Claire's heart stop beating. The heartbreak was more than any pain I've ever felt in a century. I was free, I'd thought before handing Claire the amulet in the hopes of saving her.

It saved Claire. And Claire anchored my soul, bringing me back to life with her."

Ander's throat dried down after talking for so long. Rick didn't speak a word.

He laughed.

"What's there to laugh?" Ander scoffed, "I'm not making this up."

Rick shook his head, "It's not that. You asked me earlier if there was anything going between Claire and me. How could I come between something so strong?"

Ander frowned, not understanding what Rick said.

"What you have is true. You and Claire, both." Rick explained, "And I do like Claire but not like how you think. I like someone else."

"Why did you go on a date with Claire?" Ander said with annoyance.

Rick chuckled again, "To make Aria jealous. I like Aria but she's feisty. I tried to take her out but she said no. So, Claire helped me out."

"Did it help?"

Rick was amused by Ander's interest. "No! But I learned about how much you screwed up with Claire. She called me after your little talk. Care to explain?"

Ander sighed and told Rick everything that happened after Dora saw the premonition. He further explained why he doesn't want to cage Claire with a person as messed up as him. He explained about the bond they share.

"That's a lot to take in, man," Rick commented, trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

"It is."

Rick drove in silence on the deserted dark streets, his eyes focused on the road. Ander was tired, but he couldn't sleep. His mind was running in directions, trying to find an escape.

Just before they reached Rivera, Rick's phone rang. "Put it on speaker," Rick ordered.

"Hey man." Jake's voice boomed in the car.

"Hey! What's up? How's your dad?"

"He's fine. Listen, will you be free tomorrow? I am going back to Rivera with dad for his regular check up. Abbey was supposed to go with him but she's not feeling well. So Claire and Aria will be alone. Just look after them if they need anything.

"Don't worry man. I'll make sure they're fine."


"No problem. I'll see you later."

"Why did you lie? We won't be there. Claire will be alone-"

Rick interrupted, "It's fine. I don't want anyone to know where are we going. The news might reach Claire and ultimately Gabriela. It's safe this way. And Claire won't be alone. Aria is going to be there. She's a badass, trust me. She won't let anything happen to her. And Abbey's going to be in the town too."

"Who's that?" Ander had heard that name somewhere.

"She's Mr. Hunter's caretaker. She's very scary," Rick laughed, "but she can be nice when she wants to."

"I haven't seen her before, have I?" Although Ander thought he knew her.

"Yeah. She treated Claire when she passed out after party, remember?"

Ander did. But still, she sounded much familiar than that.

Minutes later, they were in Rivera. They shared a room with two beds in a hotel near the old library.

"We'll go there first thing in the morning," Ander said as his head hit the pillow. He was exhausted, but he knew what would happen as soon as he fell asleep. He would see her fears.

"The library opens at eight but the librarian would be there around six thirty. In fact, we have to finish our business before it opens publicly. That's what Minerva told me."

"Who's this Minerva again?" Ander asked as he switched off the lights, his heart pacing again the moment he tried to relax.

"She's the eldest witch in the coven Gabriela was part of. But she hates her too."

There was nothing to talk about after that. All they could do was to wait for the story to unfold.

"Ander, I have a feeling that everything is going to be alright," Rick said from his bed but Ander didn't reply. He was swarming along with Claire in her nightmares trying his best to save her. But what gave her nightmares was him.

When Rick's alarm went off, he sat up switching on the lights to wake Ander. But he was already up, sitting near the window overlooking the town.

"Ander?" He called out.

Ander turned with a grim look on his face, his eyes weighing with fear. "I have a bad feeling about this one."

Graveyard, BackyardHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin