2. Confused

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I knew I had heard him wrong. Of course, I could see him. Why did he act like I shouldn't? Was he an invisible man or something? A ghost? 

My eyes widened. Was he some wandering ghost of a dead man?

"You can see me," he declared, his mesmerizing eyes turning to a shade of malice. All dangerous things lure their prey with beauty.

I stepped back, my knees trembling with fright. My story would end before it even began. No, I can't let that happen! My dreams, my goals - man, I didn't even have one to begin with. I would be dead before I even had aspirations.

He curled up his lips into a smile, closing the distance between us as his eyes assessed me, perhaps contemplating how to end my life. How he would savor my guts - baked or toasted. I swear his mouth watered.

"Please," my voice barely escaped my throat. It surprised me that I was still standing. My knees were untrustworthy; they could give up any minute. "Let me go."

His laugh reverberated in his throat. Shaking his head, he advanced towards me. If I backed up any further, I'd fall into the lake, and I would perish regardless, as I didn't know how to swim. I needed to do something. Anything.

I glanced past his shoulder; he wasn't transparent like the ghost myths said. My new house wasn't that far. Although the shore was empty, and there were no people around, I hoped that if I ran, I just might survive to tell this tale. But how to distract him? I wasn't a good runner by any means.

As lame as it was, I shouted, glancing towards my left, "Mom!" His neck turned, and I sprinted to the other side with all the energy I had left. I even managed a wry smile. That idiot ghost fell for it.

Or not.

Two large hands snaked around my waist and halted me. Two very human-like hands, strong. "Not so fast," he whispered in my ear, his voice sending shivers down my spine.

This was it. This was the end.

"PLEASE, LET ME GO!" I screamed, a sob burning up my throat, my eyes brimming with tears. I contemplated falling to my knees and begging him with my hands joined, but he laughed again.

I seriously didn't know what he found so amusing. Maybe, just like the evil stories go, he reveled in his satanic laugh.

He released his grip. I turned my gaze and saw him clutching his abdomen, laughing as if his guts would spill out. Then he said, "Oh god! I always wanted to play this prank on someone."

Was he a poltergeist? Playing what pranks - Wait, did he mean the whole ghost thing was a prank itself? He wasn't a ghost! That was a freaking prank!?

"The fuck?!" I shouted, turning to face him. "How dare you, idiot!" I shoved him with such force that he stumbled and fell to the ground. He still laughed like a maniac, rolling in the sand.

More than anything, I was angry with myself. How did I fall for such a stupid prank? Like, did I expect a ghost to stand before me and ask such questions? I should get an award. It was not even an hour since I moved to this new town, and I had already embarrassed myself. The queen of embarrassment!

I left the laughing guy on the sand and stormed back to my house, cursing him. I groaned as I slammed the back door and rushed up to my room. I hated this place!

Jake came to my room moments later, "What happened? The pizza is here."

I didn't want to recount my embarrassing encounter, so I said, "I'm so hungry! Why don't you bring it here, and we eat while watching anime?"

So he did. 

To be honest, I was exhausted, yet I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. It was hard for me to adjust to a new place. After Mom moved here, Jake and I stayed with Grandma, and I spent weeks tossing and turning at night, contemplating all the scenarios that led me to that moment.

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