Chapter 14 - Escape Plan

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That's the cutest thing I've ever heard from from this mongrel. I mean Will. I didn't know he could be a sweet person- "I mean, you're entertainment, 24/7. Well, you could be a witch sometimes but one can consider it as fees in exchange." he added.

You know what, never mind! I laughed at my innocence that I actually thought he was being 'a gentleman he is'. I narrowed my eyes and frowned at him. He plastered his signature side smirk and shrugged.

"So, what are you going to do now?" he said after few minutes. I eyed him suspiciously but he was now all serious.

I think he has some kind of personality disorder. He was bantering with me a moment ago and now he's all 'let's make an escape plan to mars.' I feel like there is so much about him which no one knows. He's.. different. And puzzling.

"I'm going to dad's.." I mumbled.

"Claire, try to get outta here A-S-A-P!" he lowered down his head, his eyes were at my eye level. "Go away Claire, go away before it's too late. And don't even think to return back."

The idea of 'before it's too late' sent a shiver down my spine. There was so much about the house I wanted to know. There's something really serious and dangerous thing in this house because I could clearly see the fear in Will's warning.

I nodded.

As usual, my head thought of countless things and scenarios. We didn't spoke anything for what seemed like an hour. We sat there, staring into nothingness.

I considered his warning and thought to call dad. I don't know what I'll say when I call him but I had to do that. I stood up and brushed off the sand from my now almost dried shorts. I redid my ponytail and tightened it. Will was still sitting down, watching my every move but it looked like he was in deep thoughts.

"It was a pleasure saving your life!" Will smirked.

"All thanks to you for pushing me in the first place." I mocked him back.

He laughed like a child. I rolled my eyes and let out a deep breath.

"This is our last meeting, isn't it?" He simply stated "Just take care and be.. happy."

I was confused. I was going for good, I knew that. And I couldn't come back here. But I can't just leave my family forever. And what about Will and Kasie and their parents? They can't stay here as well. But was it really our last meeting? I don't want it to be. I was overwhelmed. It was just too much.

I shrugged and bit my lower lip. I wanted to ask him tons of questions but I know he won't answer. I started walking away, instead.

"And," he called out "I was serious about your ex being a stupid, Claire. You deserve better." I turned around to look at him. He smiled at me, genuinely! I mimicked his smile and walked away.

~ ~ ~

I still remembered that smile, even after one week. I haven't seen him after that. It was our last meeting, for a time being. I was still in Havendell but not in my house by lake. I was living with aunt Holly since my birthday. When I went home after my conversation with Will, aunt was waiting for me. I asked aunt to let me live with her for few days. I still didn't had the nerve to call dad. She hesitated at first. Mom and Jake tried to convince me to stay with them but I had a few reasons of my own. And I was here.

I was holding my cell from half an hour. I finally dialed his number. He picked up on the second ring.

"Claire, are you okay?" he asked in a very worried tone.

"Hey dad. I'm okay."

"How are you doing honey? Happy belated birthday!"

"Fine. And um.. thanks." Oh say it girl! "Dad?"


"I want to come back home."

I was in the guestroom of aunt's house, sitting on the bed and staring the ceiling fan. It was almost dark. The only light was coming from the street lamp outside. The guestroom had no curtains.

Dad was coming tomorrow to pick me up. I had packed few clothes and stuff when I left my house. Jake was going to send the rest. I was happy that I was leaving my deadliest nightmares behind. I was leaving behind everything which had been haunting my mind since a month.

The street light flashed a few times and turned off. I got off my bed and went to the window. The whole row of houses was dark. The whole street was dark. I could see the moon shining dimly behind the clouds.

I saw a guy was walking in the middle of the street, alone. Which sane person stays awake in the middle of the night on a weekday? Oh, exclude me!

He stopped in front of the house I was in. Looking up at me, he smiled; his bright eyes sparkling from this distance. He was easily visible in this dark. And in that moment I realized he wasn't a human.

Suddenly, he flew towards my window and I backed off. I stumbled and fell down on my butts, my elbows crashing against the floor. Too much pain! I was panting hard, gasping for breath while crawling backwards with the help of my elbows. He didn't came in. There was no sign of him. I got up and fumbled with the door lock. 'Dammit, open already!'

"Don't go away, Claire."

I froze in my place. My eyes and fingers were glued on the door lock. I couldn't turn around. I couldn't do anything. He was that ghost who was in my room the other day, begging me to save him.

Aren't ghosts supposed to be stuck where they died or something?

"Do you think your family will be safe if you just ran away?"

Dammit! He knew.

"Your family isn't safe. Neither are you!"

I tightened my fists and slowly turned around. He was standing near the window, gazing me with his intense eyes. "Who.. Who are you?"

I'm afraid as hell because there's a ghost standing few feet away from me, why don't play 20 questions! Way to go, Claire!

"I'm Andreas."


The guy in the media is whom I imagine as the ghost guy Andreas with all ghostly features!

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