(21) Battle With B*tches

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What up! An awesome update for all you guyses peeps! I am currently watching Axis Powers Hetalia. And let me tell you it is AWESOME! My friend recomended it to me and I was like yah sure. My favorite is Canada! He is just so awesome! Alright so Happy Thanksgiving!


As I parked my car in one of the slots in the parking lot I pouted and turned to Jenna. She noticed my expression and she took her seatbelt off.

"Sorry Ella. Your own your own," she said before she opened the door and she ran to meet Kol and the others who had just arrived. I moaned and turned the car off. I grabbed my bag and started to walk towards the entrance where everybody was waiting at. But before I could reach them someone blocked me.

"Watch it b*tch!" the person exclaimed. I clenched my fist as I noticed that the person had spilled coffee on my favorite shirt. 

'She's gonna get it now,' I heard Rebekah say in her head.

"Maybe you should watch out before you get hurt," the person says. I look up to see Renesmee looking at me with her cold brown eyes. She faltered slightly when she saw me but didn't back down.

"I wasn't the one spilling coffee on people," I said gritting my teeth. She had just ruined my favorite shirt and now she has the right to tell me that it was my fault?

"I wasn't the one blocking my way," she says stubbornly glaring at me. I glared right back and she flinched under my gaze.

"Nessie! What's taking so long?!" I heard a boy shout. 

I wrinkled my nose from the horrible stench of dog and I saw that the others did too. I saw avery familiar face come running to us. He was muscular and slightly tan. His dark hair was in some kind of small quiff and his crystal blue eyes can make him look like Jenna's and Damon's twin.

He took one look at me and he was overcomed by fear and shock. "Ella! What are you doing?" 

He tried to hug me but before he could Kol was next to me. It was a very very good thing that we were like an hour early for school.

"I don't think that, that's a good idea mate," he says glaring at Tyler Crys. Tyler Crys was my bastard of an ex-boyfriend. We met when I was like what 14? Anyways after a year of dating I find him kissing one of my closest human friend. I should've known that the slut was just after him all along. Anyways nobody has seen the slut ever again. I swear I didn't do it. It was Klaus and Elijah.

"Oh great. Bloodsuckers. As if there aren't enough in this town," Tyler says his blue eyes glaring into Kol's dark ones. I saw Tyler put an arm around Renesmee who gladly smiled.

"Wait. Aren't you dating that other mutt? Jacob was it?" I smirked.

Tyler glared at me as Renesmee sighed not so sadly. She waved her hand as if it didn't matter.

"I'm a bitch. I got over it. But in mommy's and daddy's eyes, I'm still there perfect angel," she said smugly.

I smirked as I was holding my phone behind my back. Those who knew me, knew that I would get a chance to blackmail and ruin anyone's life. So if the time comes then I will use this new evidence. 

"So are you dating him or not? I heard from Aro that shapeshifters here imprint on people," Kol says confused.

"We're wolves not shapeshifters," Tyler says glaring at him.

We all heard a laugh and we turned our heads to see one of my other friends, Tyler Lockwood and Hayler walking towards us. Tyler L. must have heard everything because he looked at Tyler C. in disbelief. 

"You a wolf? I don't think so," Tyler L. scoffed.

Tyler and Caroline broke up after Care found Tyler kissing Hayley. But she eventually forgave both of them since she was a totally beg softy. Hayley and I are very good friends. We almost tell everything to each other. Key word: almost.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Tyler C. askes.

"Tyler Lockwood. One of the first hybrids Klaus has ever created and Hayley. My girlfriend," and with that Tyler smirked at them.

Renesmee glared at us before she kind of lunged at me. I took a step on my right which caused her to fall on her face. Tyler C. grabbed my arm but I twisted it and pushed him back with so much force. Renesmee was crying her eyes out while Tyler C. was groaning in pain.

"And this is why my friends that you will not mess with my friends or family," and with that I gave Renesmee one last kick before joining my other friends. Tyler C and Hayley said goodbye and they left to go back to their pack.

Alright! A new update! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Who else heard One Direction's new album? I personally love the songs. But I hate their image. I mean Louis' hair is longer and most of them, except Niall and Harry, have beards! But I guess it's to match their kind of rock/pop album. I really want to see the new Catching Fire movie. Maybe tomorrow? I don't know. If you guys have seen it comment below and tell me if it's awesome or not. But don't spoil anything!




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