(3) Bad News

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(3) Bad News 


This chapter has been edited 

~Arabella's P.O.V~ 


It has been a few months since I met my mommy. Even though she was very happy to see me, she still spent more time with Renesmee; all of them did. I know I sound like a whiner, Renesmee has told me many times. But it's not my fault if I feel a little neglected and sad that my family paid more attention to my younger twin sister. 

Mommy took us hunting with her figuring it was time to spend more time with my twin and me, so she took us to the field that she and daddy always went to. Daddy suggested that he come with us but Mommy wanted to spend time with us. In order to appease daddy she brought Jacob with us -in wolf form of course. Daddy wasn't thrilled and satisfied but Auntie Alice convinced him. 

My twin and I also aged more. Renesmee looked about 9 years old and I looked 10. Everyone says that Renesmee looked like the perfect mix of my daddy and mommy. Bronze curls, chocolate brown eyes, and talent for instruments that can rival with my dad's. However, Auntie Alice, Grandma Esme, Uncle Emmett, Grandpa Charlie, and my parents always say that I was prettier than my baby sister; braided blonde tresses, leaf green eyes, and a secret intelligence and talent for singing and musical instruments. 

It was almost the end of winter. The snow covered the meadow as I sat on the ground playing with the snow. Mommy was off with Jacob and Nessie playing in the middle of the field. I looked up just in time to see Renesmee jump up and grab a snowflake. I pouted a bit before I heard a snort next to me. I lifted my head up and smiled slightly when Jacob nudged me with his head. 

I patted his head a little before humming. I felt Jacob back up a little as the small light of the sun reflected off my skin. Small diamonds appeared on my skin, not enough to make me brighten like mommy and daddy, but enough to make my skin glow. I smiled a little before my ears perked up at the sound of a growl. My head, along with Renesmee's, snapped to the side where I saw a blonde girl looking at us from below.  

I walked over to mommy as Renesmee jumped down and hid behind Jacob's leg. I tugged on her hand making her look down -her gaze falling on me. I felt the blonde girl's eyes travel over to me before I heard a shaky breath.  

"Who's that?" I heard my sister ask. Mommy took my hand as she looked at the girl. 

"I think that's our cousin from Denali," Mommy explained. "Irina!" 

Cousin Irina turned around and ran off. Mommy let go of my hand before she went to chase after the girl. I sat back down on the ground with Renesmee staring closely in front of me. She put a hand on my cheek and frowned. I felt electricity surged through me as she showed me the memory of mommy leaving. It was the first time she ever used her power on me. She talked to me in my mind; her words making me flinch.  

See? It's your fault! Mommy left because she didn't want you to touch her! Now, I don't have a mommy anymore! 

Jacob nudged Renesmee's hand off my cheek giving her a pointed look. My twin promptly ignored the look smiling innocently at him. Jacob and I, ignoring the fact that he imprinted on my sister, were actually good friends. Jacob knew of my sister's bullying and tried his best to lessen the bullying. It worked sometimes but it still didn't stop Renesmee. 

Mommy came back and smiled at us. She held my hand and gestured for Jacob to let Renesmee on his back. I held on her hand tightly as we ran back towards the house. 

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