(15) We're Moving In (Part 1)

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I hummed to some random song I heard on the radio as I packed my belongings. I folded the t-shirt as I stuffed random things into my suitcase. Walking over to my dresser, I picked out my necessary necessities and stuffed them into a carry-on. I zipped my suitcase full of clothes and took out another suitcase for my books. I carefully stacked them into the bag and got ready.

Footsteps came from behind me. I turned to see Klaus with a small smirk on his face. Rolling my eyes, I turned around and ignored him. I could hear him approach closer, with another pair of footsteps following him.

I turned and gave Damon and Klaus a raised brow, "What do you two want?"

Damon whistled innocently as he stepped into my room and eyed everything with a bemused expression, "So this is your room huh? It's very...you."

"You've been in here before idiot," I scoffed as I pushed him away from the drawer housing my undergarments. "Do me a favor and stop being such a pain."

"Can't do that," Damon sings as he swings a hand around my shoulders, "I was born to cause you pain."

Before I could open my mouth to cuss him out, Klaus cleared his throat. We looked at him and saw that he was looking at us with a bored expression on his face. He pointedly looked at Damon's arm to which Damon smirked and pulled me closer to him.

"Ew," I said pushing him away from me. "I can smell the Elena on you."

Damon was interrupted by Klaus speaking up, "We're about to leave. The both of you get your asses to the car."

I punched Damon on the arm before grabbing my vacation bags and tailing out of the room in a hurry. When I got down to the van, I spotted Jenna inside, an empty (probably for Kol) beside her. I hear Kol's footsteps approaching, so I sprinted to the car and grabbed the seat beside her.

"Ella," Kol whined as he arrived a second too late, "That was my seat."

"The seats from the back are open," I told him as I rummaged through my bag to grab my iPod. Kol eyes the backseats where Rebekah's bags were comfily situated, their owner dozing away on the seat next to them. Reluctantly, he moved to the back, grumpily mumbling insults at me. Jenna laughed at him and blew him a kiss.

"Where's Elijah?" I asked Jenna as I noticed the absent of my favorite Original. She looked at me through her tinted sunglasses.

"He's riding with the others," she informed me. Noticing my pout, she patted my head as a mother would to a child. "He has to if he wants Elena to live. Klaus and Damon are riding with them."

"Then who's driving this car?"

"That would be me," Stefan says as he enters the car and closes the door. Caroline waves as she settles in the passenger's seat. "Welcome to Stefan Transport, please enjoy the trip."

He turns on the radio, making Kol groan at the pop music playing. Rebekah roused from sleep to glare as the popular music blared through the speakers. Jenna lip-synced the lyrics with Caroline and I, annoying the two at the back.

"To Forks we go~" Caroline sings as Stefan pulls out the driveway and into the road. My energy fades as the car passes the sign that says 'Thank you for visiting Mystic Falls'.

Right, I think, off to Forks we go.


I put the PRO in procrastination. This edit was a year too late and I greatly apologize. Go ahead; kill me. I love you guys still even if you violently murder me.



1. This is longer.

2. I don't really know what else since this was done late at night.

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