Chapter 10 - The Truth

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Zoey's POV
My eyes opened when the morning light came to my face. head is hurting as bitch. What happened last night? I think I got drunk. But I hope I didn't do that thing. The thing I hate most.

To get drunk and hook up with someone

"In who's room I am?"
After a while I discovered that it was my own room. I let out a peaceful sigh.
I tried to remember where I went last night. A club,hotel or bar?
"I think I went to a bar..ughh my head."
I slowly walked out of my bedroom. I grabbed a bottle of water from my fridge. I took out my medicine pouch and took an asprin. Suddenly I felt something was moving on my couch. And it was covered with a blanket. I slowly advanced to my couch and took the blanket of that thing. What I saw after couldn't stop me from screaming my lungs out. A guy laying on my couch sleeping peacefully. And In addition, I didn't even know who he was!
Due to my screaming his peaceful sleep broke and he looked at me lazily. To my utter surprise he didn't even bother to get up. He turned the other way and fell asleep again. I felt so humiliated.
I shouted,"Hey you!! Wake up!!"
No answer. My anger got higher.
"Wake up!!"
He needed to wake up.Finding no other alternative,I took my water jug in my hand and
........ Splash........
I poured a whole bucket of water on him. He had no other choice but to wake up.
"What the!! What the hell you think you are doing!!" He shouted.
"And what the hell you are doing in my apartment!!" I yelled.
It took a second for him to gather his thoughts. Suddenly he changed his voice from hard rough to soft and caring.
"How are you feeling now?" He asked sincerely.
I was still angry. So Angry!!
"Don't change the topic!! Tell me what are doing in my house!!" I yelled.
"Is your headache okay?" He again sounded concerned.
"It none of your business! Tell me why!!" I kept yelling.
"Shut up!!"
I fell on the ground when he shouted.
"Kay listen to me I don't care about fucking your headache or your health. And I don't bother to give an explanation to you!" He said angrily.
"But you..." I blabbered.
"You were drunk.And I think it was a duty for me to take any girl to her house at that condition." He ran his hand through his hair in frustration.
"But why are you still here?" I asked.
"It was late and I don't know when I fell asleep." He answered roughly.
He took his jacket from the couch and before I could say anything he rushed out.
I know that I was rude but any girl would react like this when she sees a boy sleeping on her couch. I let my anger on Ian for breaking my heart on him.I think I should have said sorry. I don't even know his name.My thoughts interrupted when my phone rang.
Ian - Calling
I didn't pick up the phone as I didn't know what to say to him. Last night I shouldn't have done that. I think a phone call won't solve anything. I should go to his place to sort things out.I took a quick shower and put on a sweatshirt and jeans.It was almost 11 when I reached Ian apartment.
I knocked his door.
No reply.
I again knocked.
Still nothing.
I knew that he kept his spare key under his carpet. I knew what I was doing wasn't right. But I still wanted to enter. I took the key and slowly unlocked the door. No one was inside. I entered his apartment. I always loved his apartment because of his poetic taste. The sheaksphere collection, The old black and white movie collection and his old stuffs. I always tease him for his old barbie doll. Thinking bout the things I love about him made me smile
The Voicemail started.
"Hello Mr.Lockhart, it's your doctor Mr.Langerhan. I just got your report and it says you are on the 3 rd stage of Adenocarcinoma. But I hope the chamos will help. Only we can hope for the best. Call me when you get this."
I froze. Adenocarcinoma? How can this be possible? 3 rd stage? Why didn't he tell me? So many questions and I wanted all of the answers.
Suddenly the door opened and Ian entered the room.
"Zoella I have been calling you for.."He said locking the door.
"Why didn't you tell me?" My head wasn't working at all.
"Uhh..what..?" He said hesitantly.
"You know what I am talking about!" tears rolling down my face.
"I don't know..."
"About your Adenocarcinoma damn it!!" I yelled.
"I didn't want to bother you." He said coldly. His voice turned rough as he was angry that I found out about it.
"Of course,why would you bother? I don't mean anything to you."
"No I didn't.." he couldn't make up his words.
"I know you don't love me but you could have told me as a friend. I thought you considered me a friend." I felt like my hearts has been crushed into tiny little pieces
"But I was wrong so wrong about you. I was thinking more than friends. I am such a fool." My weeping got harder.
I was walking out the room when his hand gripped my waist. He turned me around so that my face was facing his.
"Let me go!!" I protested.
But his hands got tighter on my waist.
"Listen to me Zoella." He said softly. But for me it was a command, a threat, a spell that cool me down instantly.
" I wanted to tell you but I was scared."
"Of what?" I spoke my eye not meeting his.
"That you will also leave me. Like everyone else. You are the only one I ever loved truly."
The hurt in his voice, the vulnerability in his face was screaming that he likes me too.
"But that day.."
"I didn't want to ruin your life.."
That was the first time I saw him crying. He was trying to hide the tears.
"Ian I love you and nothing that you said to me can change it.".
He just nodded. I knew it wasn't enough.I knew nothing I say will matter until the crisis occurs.
"When will your chamo start?"
"This Friday."
He looked out the window. We kept silent for a while.
He suddenly advanced to me and hugged me tightly.
"I love you Zoella."
He kissed my forehead. It felt so good,so relieving.. I squeezed his hands.
"I love you." I said.


Archer's POV

"How was the flight?" Rosh asked.
"Stressful." I said.
"Yeah I guessed it."
"What happened?" Joel asked.
"Was the chick too hard?" Lavender teased.
"Don't Ask. I didn't know, chicks of Detroit are nuts."
"Did she tie you up?" Joel asked excitedly.
"Will you guys shut up!" I was too tired to talk to them now and skype chatting was a whole new level of irritation.
"So that's not the story." Alex said.
"I saw a drunk girl at the club. So I tried to act poliet and took her home."
"Then what happened we all know." Lavender said.
"Haha but that didn't happen. I took her home but she passed out. As it was midnight and I was tried as shit."
"So you fell asleep." Alex said.
"Yep. I thought I would get treated by hot chocolate pancakes but that crazy bitch poured water all over me."
"WTF!" Rosh said.
"I just walked away from there." I said pouring some orange juice.
"Did you meet him?" Joel said.
"Yeap. I did."
"Do you want to talk about it?"Rosh asked.
"There's nothing to talk about. So what happened now that I have been away."
"Nothing much. Lav bashed Dave,Zion..and Rosh got bashed as usual."
"But I hit them twice." Rosh said.
"Improvement Rosh!"I encouraged him.
"You doubt it." Lavender said before everybody cracks up.
"I'll talk to you guys later.I have this interview today." I said adjusting the computer screen.
"Best of luck" everyone said in a chorus.
"Thanks." I spoke as I ended the call.I was too tired to be dressed up.I lie down on my couch and think about that crazy girl from the bar.

Hey loves! Hope you're enjoying my story and please vote vote vote and make me smile ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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