Chapter 8 - Blending in You

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Zoey's POV

The last bell rang. I walked out of my English class. When I saw Rick (my ex bestfriend)  I thought he was ignoring me for days so I decided not to talk to him. I walked straight to the entrance.
"Zo! Wait up."
"Hey." I said coldly.
"Umm.. I am sorry Zo. It's been a crazy week."
"Yeah I get it." I said still pissed off.
"So how are you guys going? You and Ian? Anything new?"
"As if you care."
I walked away.
"I'm so sorry bud.."he spoke as he was genuinely sorry.
"Nothing happened." I turned around
"Ohh so I was ..."
We were interrupted by a girl I didn't know. She was pretty,blonde and tall.
"Rick where have you been?" She said putting a hand over Rick's shoulder.
"I was just talking to Zo." Rick pointed towards me.
"Oh! You're Zoella?" The girl nodded.
"Yep that's me." I said.
"Rick told me about you a lot."
"Oww.." I said in a confused tone.
The girl gave a questioning look at Rick.
"Zo she is my girlfriend."
"Yeah I have figured that out." I smiled at them.
"Let me introduce myself. I'm Charrolet." She said taking my hand to shake.How awfully polite.
"Good to see you Charrolet."
"Just call me Char."
"Kay" I said. "I should go I have to go to the library."
"Kay..bud." Rick smiled.
"It was nice meeting you,Zoella" Charrolet said.
"Totally. You too."

I came out of school when I saw Ian standing beside my rover.We have been hanging out for a while now,but still he has some of his mysteries locked up to himself.
"Hey." he said softly.
There was something so good in his voice,something that makes me tingle. So soothing,so reliving.

"Hello." I smiled.
"You have a really cool car." He said inspecting my rover.
"There was something I wanted to do today. I hoped that you'll help me." He requested bit it was like a command for me.
"What  kind of help?" I spike as I unlocked the door.
"You'll see."
Without asking me he got into my rover.
"Would you mind if I drive?"
"No no not a problem." I said.
We were heading towards Rucksenbrug .And Ian still hasn't said where he was taking me.When I saw that he was taking the turn from the beach.I asked,"Where are we going?"
"To the divers point." A hidden smile played on his lips.
"Why we are going there?" I said being completely horrified.
"To catch dive!!"
"No no no!!"
"I fear water the most." I yelled.
"It's great!! It'll be more fun now." He said excitedly.
After a lot of arguments I defeated.When we reached the diver's point it was noon.
"I thought you were really quite."
"What was that supposed to mean?Quite doesn't always mean that person is boring." He smirked.
"I did not say you're boring,i just haven't thought of you as a adventurous person"
"Let's go." He made a bored face.

We put on the diver's costume and got in our boat. The man incharge asked,
"Have you dived before? If you haven't you have to take training first." He was a chinaman.His accents was kinda funny.
"Have you ever done that before?" Ian asked.From his expression I guess he didn't think about this before.
"Once with my mother." I said
"Ow.." Ian waited for more.
I remained silent. I didn't want to talk about my mother or my family.
"So let's go"
Ian jumped first.But I kept standing there..Cold..freezing cold..
"Do you trust me?" He asked.
"Yeah" Maybe I should have gave it a thought before saying yes.I sound so desperate.
"So let go."

I closed my eyes and without thinking anything I jumped.
That feeling..that feeling was something I can not say,can not touch,just felt.

Like a dream

Like a metaphor

Like love

Ian took my hand in his and took me deep inside the water,inside the blue. Into the waves...

Water flowing over my body.Giving me a sensation like never before. It felt like it was the safest place,his hands..I couldn't think anything as he was taking me deeper in the blue.I have never seen something so beautiful and amazing.

He comes from heaven,earth,lives in the underworld .
As the sea ebbed and flowed in honour of it' dark lord.

My eyes closed when we reached up,the sunlight tearing me up,breaking me down.

We remained silent for the rest of the way home.His breath was heavy,his eyes never met mine.It felt like his silence was talking to me.He drived me to my house.As I was getting out he pulled my hand back and said.
"Thank you,Zoella"
"It's me who should say thank you." I replied.
He removed his hands and opened the door for me.When I got out he said,
"You're really naive."
Before I could say anything he drove away.Left me standing there confused and incomplete.

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