Chapter 44 - Heat season

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The next day I was surprised not to see Alice in her usual chair in English I sat down next to Raven who was acting a bit restless running his fingers through his hair

"You okay?" I asked he closed his eyes " wolf just wants out I guess" he answered and I nodded my head in understanding

Alpha Xavier went inside the room without Jordan walking behind him I checked my watch 2 minutes before class starts

Before I know it, it was already lunch time "What's up with Alice?" I asked Gabe as we walked towards the table "Maybe she had another one of those zitty problems" Gabe said

I tilted my head "Jordan isn't here either" I said Gabe opened his mouth to reply but close it and scowled looking at James Lint who was playing with the tips of Hail's blond hair

"Take it easy" I told him as we slipped into the chairs I touched his arm but pulled it back "You're feverish" I said

"Gabriel's sick?" Hail asked placing her hand against Gabriel's forehead "You do feel feverish" Hail said thoughtfully

"Where's Jenna?" Raven asked Alpha Xavier which made me turn my attention from Gabriel to him

Alpha Xavier sighed with exasperation "Home..she's not feeling well" he answered Rave rolled his eyes but I can see him tense with worry I nudged him with my shoulder

"I'm sure she'll be fine" I said smilling Raven nodded but still obviously uncertain

Cameron slipped in the chair next to James Lint who sat glumly next to Hail who was still hovering worriedly over Gabe James Lint stiffened

"I have to go" he smiled though it didn't really reached his eyes and not even glancing at Cameron, I smiled at sympathetically he just shrugged as if to say: I'm used to it

"James has been acting weird this last few days" Hail said Gabriel rolled his eyes "Cameron we're still on for tonight right?" Gabe asked

My eyes widen looking from Gabriel to Cameron Gabriel flushed at the teasing look I gave him Cameron cleared his throat "Uh..yeah" he answered

Hail abruptly stood up without a word before running out the door, we all stared after her "Interesting" Jasmine murmured quietly Dreydon laughed "That's an understatement" he said

"Agreed" Raven said before giving Cameron a knowing glance Alpha Xavier stood up "Cameron" he called motioning with his hand

Cameron licked his lip nervously before following Alpha Xavier across the cafeteria

Raven tapped his fingers against the table I glanced at his untouched food "Hey, you're not eating" I said

Raven frowned at his tray "Don't feel like it" he said with a shrug I nodded my head

"Hey, Scaredypup is it alright if we swing by Xavier's place? I just want to make sure Jenna's okay" Raven asked after class as we walk to his car

I took a breath and nodded my head which looking back I wish I didn't

"What are you doing here?" Alpha Xavier asked opening his door "How's Jenna?" Raven asked craning his neck behind Alpha Xavier

Alpha Xavier clicked his tongue with irritation letting us in reluctantly

We saw Jenna resting her head against the couch wearing nothing but a black shirt that smelled like Alpha Xavier her hair braided messily on her side

Her eyes widen when she saw Raven while Raven stiffened before sending a glare at Alpha Xavier who only smirked at him smugly

"Fuck" Raven cursed his eyes swirling black I tilted my head curiously "Is there something wrong?" I asked Raven closed his eyes for a second as if trying to compose himself

He cleared his throat before opening his eyes "Heat season is early this year" he said


She wolves who have already lost their virtues goes through heat every year the only time of the year when she wolves are fertile...they start to feel feverish because of the over production of hormones and the also give off the scent that's invitation for mating

She wolves who are still in school are brought to another town far from males to elude early pregnancies...

Heat also affect male wolves...their bodies preparing for what their mates offer making them feel feverish and restless

I looked at Jenna who was avoiding Raven's eyes her shoulders slumped as if baring the weight of shame

I answered Alpha Xavier's call that night and as usual he was silent while I tried not to imagine Jenna who's in heat laying down beside him it made vile raise up my throat

The next day the she wolves in heat were sent into another town it included Jenna, Hail, Jasmine and...

"Alice?" I repeated incredulously looking at Gabriel this is Alice's first heat that will mean him and Jordan has already done it..

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