Chapter 5- Pop goes the quiz

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"So you told him you loved him" Gabriel said looking like he's trying not to laugh

blood rushed to my face puffing my cheeks i glared at Gabriel "Stop making fun of me" I said

He laughed at me, since its thursday Gabriel's the one who picked me up Alice always shifts every thursday and friday mornings to keep herself fit

"Alice just wants to prepare herself for tommorrow since you know its beta jordan's birthday" Gabriel said "wait till i tell her what happened to you yesterday" he said still laughing a bit

I glared at him as he parked his car in our school's parking lot "James Lint is so hot" Gabriel said going goey eyed as we past the football field where james lint the star football player is practicing his brown hair streaked with blond here and there is matted to his sweat coated forehead and his green eyes glinting in the sun

"Go james" a voice squeled from the bleachers where captain cheerleader Hail Anderson is wearing her cheerleader outfit her shiny honey blond hair piled together in a high pony tail her warm golden eys shining as she looked at james

"slut" gabriel muttered i looked at him sideways "jealous?" i asked him teasingly "no" gabriel scoffed before going goey eyed again as james lint hit touch down

"Nice one" gabriel screamed james looked at gabriel sent him a salute before turning back to his team mates

gabriel squeezed my arm in delight and quickly dragged me inside the school "did you see that????" he squeled at me

i nodded my head  "ciao" he said with an air kiss before running towards his locker

i turned the combinations of my own locker to open it and grabbed my book in english when - a voice stilled me " hey you're Ashley Jhonny right?" i turned my head and was surprised to see Beta Jordan

"Um...its Ash Jones actually" i say he grinned sheepishly "Right...that's what i meant" he said crossing his arms

"You're xave's mate correct?" my eyes widened  and i quicly dropped my gaze saying nothing

Don't tell anyone

Alpha Xavier's voice rang through my head Beta jordan laughed "No its okay he told me" he said and i quickly breathed out a sigh  of relief "Anyways i just wanted to ask you to eat lunch with us today bring your friends too especially the pretty one " he says before turning away leaving me with my mouth hanging open

During english i already saw alice on her chair but i couldn't bring myself to tell her what beta jordan just said

ofcourse the unfailing affect of his presence has successfully scatterred me out of my thoughts his behind me rows away but somehow i can manage to single out his breathing its calculated and very dominating and try as i will to match my breathing to his i will always be out his pace

so later on at lunch i finally told alice and gabriel about what beta jordan told me earlier that day and their reaction ofcourse are as promising as their scores in the last math pop quiz

"Beta jordan called me pretty?" alice said her eyes wide

Gabriel scoffed "I think he meant me" he said

"Why is this the point?" i asked the both of them

"You're right" Gabriel said i sighed atleast one of my friends is reasonable "The bigger point is that..james lint is going to be on that table" he squeled

i slapped my palm unto my face about that pop quiz in math...?

We all got the same scores 4 out 20, two of which are bonuses because mr. stephens entered in the wrong options for 2 of the questions

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